ISEPS Singularity and Simulation Reset Guide

If you want to go through ISEPS Singularities faster, then this Singularity and Simulation Reset Guide is just what you need. With its help you can get up to 30-40% more particle gain, because of optimization.

Introduction into ISEPS Singularity and Simulation Reset Guide

This document is purposed to supply a summary approach to optimize the Simulation Reset progression between Singularity Events.  There are recurring problems, hang-ups, mistakes and concerns frequently posted and/or questioned in ISEPS Community discord channels.  This guide intends to provide an optimal method ensuring regular progress and act as a general guide toward solving problems, resolving hang-ups/mistakes and answering concerns/questions.

The current approach (outlined below) is directed at ISEPS operators in the SE10 – SE25+ stages.  Operators will have a variety of results based on present SE, level and progression through the spectrum of capability.  This guide has applied knowledge gleaned from ISEPS Community discord channels, mods and operators experiences alike. 

Given your SE & Level, your journey/approach may be a bit different and calibrated according to your particular objective(s).  Our goal is to optimize game progression for all.  This approach to Simulation Resets (from SE-to-SE) is provided for your consideration, feedback and/or critical adjustment.  The Steps below are presented in long form with embedded images in case there is benefit to others (who may be new and/or less familiar with some of the community shorthand, acronyms and the like).  This is a “living document” and will be updated as feedback is received and apparent to secure the aforementioned Goal.

ISEPS Singularity and Simulation Reset Video Guide

Pre-Singularity Event (SE) Tasks

  1. Ensure you have 10% more Singularity Cubes than necessary for the SE trigger in order to max out the Singularity Dump
  2. G-Corp
    1. Get any companions reasonably close to lvl50 locked in so they will be useful and starting at lvl 50 post-SE
      1. Check the G-Corp Planner [enhanced] in ISEPS Beginner Tools article
    2. Only make final investments in companions who will survive the SE and consider any available Modules available to upgrade
    3. Consider allowing your G-Points to build up a bit because there is a chance that you will get some of those after the reset because of bug.

Perform Singularity Event (SE)

  1. Select your perk per the ISEPS Meta Perk Guide in ISEPS Beginner Tools article
  2. Dump your extra Singularity Cubes (up to 10% from pre-SE tasks)

Start over, but better

  1. Like a boss with your newly imbued perky self!
  2. If you got lucky and have any G-Points laying around, get as many companions as possible up to lvl25 (so they can make the first SR jump).

Pre-Simulation Reset (SR) Tasks

  1. Before ISEPS Simulation Reset, upgrade G-Corp companions to get those close to lvl25 over so they can make the reset jump, then pump remaining G-Points into those companions who stay regardless (even if <lvl25 or <lvl50).  Of course, picking up any G-Corp module collection upgrades (if available as they survive SEs)
  2. In the Reset Simulation menu, be sure to activate the +20% Data Cubes button in top right.
  3. Automation Settings (again BEFORE SR)
    1. Enable:
      1. Basic Energy, Market and Particle Automation options
      2. Research Menu Automation
      3. Under Settings → Options → 
        1. Ensure Fast Buy Button Beast Mode (Faster Auto Speed – Performance Heavy) is set to “ON”
    2. Disable:
      1. Menu Automation to keep disabled until after all possible DCM (Data Cube Milestones), Ultimas, Infinity Multipliers and Infinity Upgrades purchased after SR (in the next step).  This as some of your upgrades may influence the amount/cost of lab hires, archeologist-bots and/or rebirthologists.
        1. Beta Laboratory 
        2. Archive Institute 
        3. Fenix Institute
      2. Menu Automation to disable until you reach pivot point in the SR run per this guide:
        1. Egetuarium (Keep disabled until Artifacts Pivot) 
        2. City of Tomorrow (Keep disabled until Solutions Pivot)
      3. Under Settings → Options → 
        1. Ensure 2:1 AP/DC Trade Ratio (1:1 and off by default) is set to “OFF”

Simulation Reset (SR)

  1. Purchase Data Cube Upgrades, Infinity Multipliers and Infinity Upgrades per other available guides/recommendations
  2. Enable previously disabled Automation:
    1. Beta Laboratory 
    2. Archive Institute 
    3. Fenix Institute

Data Cube Milestone 42 (DCM42)?

  1. If you don’t have it, skip to → Start “Early Run” (below)
  2. If you do have it, first dump the 5% starting artifacts into AP-Trade (All Particles Output).  Start with 25x, then 5x and 1x (to exhaustion). 
  3. No tapping required if you use the following Game Settings per pinned message from @beef#8148 in #se10squad-chat on ISEPS Community Discord server.
  1. So, the Egetuarium will NOT auto-purchase Artifacts, but will spend all available Artifacts in AP Trades. This way all 5% of DCM42 can benefit AP production in your “Early Run”

“Early Run” – Get Started and run up to Artifacts / Egetuarium Pivot

  1. Research through 70 (or better depending on your SE & level)
  2. Corvus Funding/ Extractions/Radar Tech
  3. G-Corp Conversion Multiplier(first), Interval(second), G-points per conversion(last)
  4. Build up Fenix Institute and Archive Initiative.
  5. Depending on your SE/level, if cash acquired >1.0e90,
    1. Level your Ixion particles and get started and Tiberius Exchange and Emblems to contribute progress.  This objective may need to be delayed depending on how many SRs you have completed in the current SE.
  6. Repeat “Early Run” steps above until:
    1. In Corvus Funding, you have Project Leros as high as reasonably possible to optimize Artifacts purchases before moving to Artifacts Pivot effort.

Artifacts Pivot @ Egetuarium

  1. Purchase some artifacts (say by clicking the Ceti option w/ x25 on)
  2. Then, you increase your DC-TRADE level to the same level as AP-TRADE.  By same, we mean the same number to the left of each of these buttons.  See Game Settings above in the DCM42 section for making sure the Fast Buy works as needed.
  3. After you have them at the same level (NOT percentage above for Output/Bonus), you should ensure your Game Settings options are set as below:
    1. Expand your AP/DC Trades to a 1:1 ratio (as is conventional wisdom).
    2. Use Game settings menu for Beast mode and AP/DC 1:1 ratio trades
  4. Finally, click the “Fast Buy (Click Here)” option at top of Egetuarium screen and you should have everything scale up 1:1 nicely/quickly.
  5. Alternate #1:  if you have access to higher levels of Artifacts and Utopia Project, some higher level members (specifically @bred#5456) has suggested this approach:
    1. Put Alpha/Energy and Delta/Orbs in into AP-Trades
    2. Put Beta/Goo and Ceti/Sparks into DC-Trades
  6. Alternate #2: Some advocate for the 2:1 ratio of AP to DC 

“Mid Run” – Continue purchasing upgrades and run up to Solutions / CoT Pivot…

  1. Research additional levels if/when possible
  2. Tiberius Colony/Exchange – Ceti & Ixion Emblems (upgrades when available)
  3. Corvus Funding – Projects, Extractions & Radar Upgrades
  4. G-Corp Conversion Multiplier(first), Interval(second), G-points per conversion(last).  Of course leveling companions (priority on those who are retainable post SR).
  5. Continue building up Fenix Institute and Archive Initiative.
  6. Repeat “Mid Run” steps above until:
    1. In Corvus Funding, get Project Utopia as high as possible.  If you can’t reach Project Utopia, get Project Pegasus going to optimize Solution costs before triggering the next pivot phase.

Solutions Pivot @ City of Tomorrow

  1. After getting Project Pegasus and (if reasonably possible) Project Utopia leveled, time to enable Game Automation for City of Tomorrow so all possible Solutions can be purchased to increase all production.
  2. Consider giving your game some time to soak up the AP (All Particles) bonus and stretch into additional Levels ( +LP).

“Late Run” – Optimize and Prepare for SR or SE

  1. Eventually, you will feel a point of diminished returns and may consider an SR when enough progress over the previous run has been established.
  2. If you are 10% over the SE requirement, consider moving to SE trigger.

 Don’t push the button YET

  1. If you are considering an SE, loop back to top of this guide for the “Pre-Singularity Event (SE) Tasks” section
  2. If you are considering an SR, jump up to the “Pre-Simulation Reset (SR) tasks” section.
  3. Then, only then, push the button.
  4. Go over to the start of the list
    1. Feel free to switch up the order of steps, adjust them to your liking and comfort

Additional notes

  1. Talent Level Point Distribution Recommendations
    1. Add section for recommending Talent Level Points distribution after PP and IC have been maxed out to 4th row capstones.  So, need to document approach options for pp5-1, pp5-2, pp5-3, ic5-1, ic5-2, ic5-3
    2. General advice is to distribute per 0-0-x, x-1-x
    3. However, have seen where some are using 0-0-x, x-1-2x to favor Beta (ic5-3) over G-Points (ic5-1)
    4. Needs more research, evaluation and such.  May require different options depending on operator objectives/needs.  Also, gathering explanations as to “why” each would be used, avoided and/or ONLY have 1 point suggested.  You get the idea.
      You can always check ISEPS Talents Guide for more in-depth information
  2. G-Corp order of Gamma spend on Conversion Upgrades
    1. This guide suggests: 
      1. First upgrade → G-Corp Conversion Multiplier (offers largest increase in G-Points)
      2. Second upgrade → Interval (Reduces time to add’l G-Points)
      3. Final upgrade → G-points per conversion (smaller % increase to G-Points)
    2. This approach has NOT been thoroughly vetted or confirmed by community
    3. Needs more thorough consideration for what is optimal.
  3. Crystal Spending/Saving at and after level 100
    1. There is a good bit of channel discussion recommending crystals start being saved at level 100 as there are new upgrade options at level 120 for investing up to 25k.  Another investment at (add more here… finding in channel, feel free to highlight and comment w/ more information if you find the details first)


Of course you shouldn’t follow the guide to the point and you can adjust it to your liking. On early Simulation resets you can just go all auto because you reset very fast and don’t have a buildup phase. But if you are getting close to Singularity Event and especially if you are struggling to reach your next goal, trying to be most efficient might solve those issues and this ISEPS Singularity and Simulation Reset Guide will help you with that.

If you need more guides on ISEPS, check out out ISEPS Guide Collection

Guide is a courtesy of @Tickbird#8973 on the Official ISEPS Discord

Check out other ISEPS Guides that you might find useful

  1. ISEPS Beginners Guide
  2. ISEPS Singularity and Simulation Reset Guide
  3. ISEPS Talents guide
  4. ISEPS Beginner Tools (Crystals, Perks & Talent calculators Etc)
  5. ISEPS Tasks Guide
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