Soda Dungeon 2

Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension Endgame Teams
Soda Dungeon 2 Endgame teams are the teams that you will use in Warrior’s Dimension levels (usually 20k+ and until the very infinite end). Having proper team, balanced, leveled relics and right scripts will help you to progress faster and have long runs that wont be interrupted by ambushes. For more common tips on how...
Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension Scripts
This is a guide for Advanced Scripts for Warrior’s Dimension in Soda Dungeon 2. If you are looking for Scripts for the main Campaign check Soda Dungeon 2 Scripts Guide. If you need Team guidance Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension Guide will help you with that. Now with that out of the way lets go...
Soda Dungeon 2 Tips and Tricks
Soda Dungeon 2 may seem like a simple game, but there is an added layer of ingame mechanics hidden in it, this article will show useful tips and tricks you would like to know before you start your way in Soda Dungeon 2.This article is being done in the FAQ format, so here we go....
Soda Dungeon 2 Essence Farming Guide
Soda Dungeon 2 Essence farming guide will help you to maximize Essence per hour gain in both Early Dimensions and Warrior’s Dimension. This will help you to grow your relics and boost your progress. What is Essence in Soda Dungeon 2 Essence is a resource that you use to level up relics and for some...
Soda Dungeon 2 Classes Guide
Currently there are 10 classes in Soda Dungeon 2. Each of those have their unique abilities and features and can be useful in different situations and stages of the game.If you cant decide which one to go with and how to start a game, we recommend reading through Soda Dungeon 2 Beginners Guide. Soda Junkie...
Soda Dungeon 2 Full Item List
If you are looking for specific gear in Soda Dungeon 2 – Full Item List will help you. It includes all the items in the game, grouped and sorted. There are a lot of different of items, resources and gear pieces that you might want to find in Soda Dungeon 2. And there are different...
Soda Dungeon 2 Gold farming Guide
You might been wondering how to farm more gold in Soda Dungeon 2 and this guide will give you an answer to that. We will list useful practices that can boost your gold gain and make your farming runs more efficient. First thing you want to do is make sure that you know the basics....
Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 6 Boss Guide
Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 6 Boss – Dark Lady is the first serious threat your team will face, this guide will help you to overcome that. If you have issues with the bosses before this one, make sure to read Soda Dungeon 2 Boss Guide and Beginners Guide, they should help you with the basics....
Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension Guide
Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension (Dimension 11, WD) is very different from everything you’ve been through before, this Guide will help you to get started properly, pick the right team and scripts for the job. What is Warrior’s Dimension in Soda Dungeon 2? First and most important thing is, that you will no longer lose...
Soda Dungeon 2 Relics guide
Soda Dungeon 2 have a good variety of relics, that are crucial to your progression. Picking the order of acquiring the relics and how you will level them is extremely important. Lets go over each type of relic in the game and give it a brief description and advise on when they are most useful....

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