Wreckfest Review. Physics, damage and carnage.

Wreckfest is a PC Racing title that got moved to the mobile devices and it raises the racing game standard to the new level so we decided to review it. This game have everything you can expect from a PC game. Physics, that require you to break before turning and avoid serious bumps so you wont fly out of track. Collision damage, so you want to avoid hitting unnecessary obstacles, or your car will get damages and its performance will go down. Different game modes, where you can either race or go for demolition derby survival arena. And the main thing – ability to take your opponent out once and for all.

Wreckfest Game Modes

There are 2 main game modes in Wreckfest: Race and Demolition Derby. You can guess by the name, that in the race you have to be fast and finish before others. Demolition Derby is a different thing. Here you have different goals based on the event. You either try to score as high as possible by damaging and wrecking other vehicles or be the last one standing.

But in order to make it more fun you will have loads of different cars to use. Starting with a lawnmower or a moving sofa and ending with some pretty solid muscle cars of your choice.

You can play single player career, create custom event or go multiplayer to compete with your friends or strangers. There is also a Tournament option where competition is getting even more fierce.

Wreckfest Racing

When you get to the actual race you will feel the quality of the game. Graphics is fantastic, a lot of details on the cars and the fact that when you damage the car visuals change as well is a pretty much a breakthrough for the mobile game.

Depending on the type of the race you are in and your racing skills you might have different experience. Demolition Derby events, where you need to massacre your opponents are fun and pretty easy. The only difficulty I had is actually hitting the moving vehicle, but its all about practice.

As for the actual racing events, from the personal opinion it felt a little bit too hard even at the easy difficulty. As in the most racing games, the problem is if you get hit strong enough and get out of track or hit obstacle hard enough you will lose valuable time and most likely wont finish first. So you will have to restart over and over in order to master the track.

Of course its not the case for people who are good at racing games. But sometimes its not about skills, but about controls. It took me a while to get used to the more complex controls for this game, since you have accelerations, break, steering and a handbrake. And all those have to be used on the phone with a touch without actually looking at them. The good thing is that you can actually customize the controls and make buttons larger, thats what I did and it saved my life.

Wreckfest Mobile Review Conclusion

Wreckfest Mobile is a fantastic PC game port, it have all the mechanics you can dream of and more. The graphics and performance are top notch, gameplay is fun and it brings a lot of options for gamers on the go. The only drawback I found were controls, but as you play the game you are getting used to those and its not that much of a trouble. Moreover if you connect controller it becomes way easier for you.

We hope that this Wreckfest Mobile review helped you to learn something new about the game or make up your mind about buying it. If you have your own thoughts on Wreckfest Mobile, let us know in the comments below.

If you want to check out other reviews you can check them here.

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