Cursed Realm – Kane Guide for AFK Arena

Cursed realm Kane fight in AFK Arena is different from the Normal Twisted realm, so here is a guide for 5 teams for normal enemies and the boss Team. You will have to increase your overall damage to get better rewards in this fight. In this Guide we will cover several team compositions that will help you to get higher rank in Cursed Realm. For other Cursed realm fights check out other AFK Arena Cursed Realm guides.

Video Guide for Cursed Realm – Kane in AFK Arena

Visual Guide for Cursed Realm – Kane in AFK Arena

META Team for Kane – Cursed Realm Fight

Team 1 needs Mortas SI20 and Kren SI30. Mortas will give Kren aoe damage on his ultimate. All five enemies need to be grouped for the most damage. Good rng is required for the highest numbers. Oden and Kren on the fronline for Twins buff. Baden is here to keep the enemies distracted with his shadows

Team 2 uses Framton and Queen to group up enemies. Framton should have +30 engraving. Queen 9/9 furniture provides a huge attack buff. Lucretia heavily benefits from these things. Daimon and Astar use their damage reduction and healing to keep allies alive. Great damage at high investment. Haste is important here!

Team 3 uses the dimensionals. Hodgkin provides a big attack boost and cc. Silas has to use his ultimate on Ainz to get the most damage. This requires a lot of RNG.

Team 4 has some permanent cc so Raku S1+30 can obliterate the enemies. Mishka E60 will boost her damage by a lot. Leonardo 9/9 is great here! Khazard needs SI+30 aswel. Saurus is there for damage and team healing.

Team 5 consists of a strong energy boosting team, paired with Antandra and Lorsan. They all keep each other alive, for Flora to do damage the whole battle, Lorsan 9/9 furniture will help! –

In the Boss Team we’re using the newly released lightbearer Scarlet. Use her trial version if you want. Her ultimate damage builds up to an insane amount. We need a second strong early damage dealer to keep Scarlet alive as long as possible, That’s why we’re using Awakened Talene. Normal Talene will also work, but she will do less damage. Rosaline follows Scarlet.

High-end rare heroes Team for Kane – Cursed Realm Fight

Team 1 needs Mortas SI20 and Kren SI30. Mortas will give Kren aoe damage on his ultimate. All five enemies need to be grouped for the most damage. Good rng is required for the highest numbers. Kren is placed on the fronline for Twins buff. Grezhul is here for damage and to keep the enemies distracted with his soldiers

Team 2 uses a modified five pull team with Zaphrael and Queen. Queen needs her furniture for the +30% attack buff. She will help to cc and group up the enemies. Zaphrael provides the initial stun and a lot of damage. Lucretia is there for damage.

Team 3 is the same team as #1.

Team 4 is the same team as #1, but in another formation. This works the same.

Team 5 has a strong frontline to keep Morael alive. She wil group up all enemies for Flora to do a lot of damage. Ezizh will provide energy and reduces enemy attack. Mezoths ultimate will lock down enemies and he reduces enemy haste with his shield ability. –

In the Boss Team we’re using Haelus and Talene. Haelus’ obilisk will get much stronger towards the end of the battle and it can’t be killed by Kane. We need Talene to do the most damage in the beginning of the battle so Haelus can increase his obilisk damage. Rosaline follows Talene. Daimon provides a good amount of damage. You can swap him with Estrilda, Thali or Warek. Raine is our fifth choice for decent damage buffs.

Budget F2P friendly Team for Kane – Cursed Realm Fight

Team 1 is the same team as #1. The best team there is.

Team 2 uses a modified five pull team with Joker and Queen. Queen needs her furniture for the +30% attack buff. She will help to cc and group up the enemies, Joker provides damage and helps with the permanent cc. Lucretia is there for easy damage.

Team 3 uses the dimensionals. Silas has to use his ultimate on Ainz to get the most damage. This requires a lot of RNG. Arthur’s aura ‘King’s Blessing’ will reduce damage all close allies take by 35%. He also increases the Crit Rating and Attack Speed of enemies standing behind him.

Team 4 has some permanent cc so Raku SI+30 can obliterate the enemies. Mishka E60 will boost her damage by a lot. Leonardo 9/9 is great here! Saurus is there for damage and team healing. We’re using Athalia if we don’t have Khazard si +30. Leonardo engraving (haste) is very handy to keep enemies paralyzed.

Team 5 is the same team as #1, but in another formation

In the Boss Team we’re using Talene and Grezhul as our damage dealers. Rosaline follows Talene. Hodgkin boosts our damage and has good damage himself. Raine buffs! Good heroes you can use instead are Daimon, Warek, Thali, Rowan, Lyca, Mehira, Drez and Treznor. It all depends on your investment.

Some words from Author/ Conclusion:

HOW THIS GUIDE SHOULD BE READ I’ve gotten a lot of questions on how to understand this guide with the 3 combinations. Are they all as good? The number #1 combination of teams is considered the ‘current’ best. It gave top players the highest numbers. In most cases it requires maxed out teams with high engraving! Don’t try these teams if you don’t have every hero maxed out in Sl and furniture. They won’t be good for you. Of course someone else could have found better teams, but I personally have not found those. So if you’re not a whale, you should use #2 or even #3. These combinations are a bit easier to use and can get you that top 5% rank. Combination #2 can be a little bit better than #3, but it has similar results. But if you want, you can mix all of the three combinations together, it all depends on your hero investments! Just keep in mind that in this event, you could end up in the top 2% this week, but next week you won’t make it in the top 10%. RNG, RNG and RNG. Cheers!

Guide is based on Barbune_Ice’s Reddit guide.

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