AFK Arena have a lot of hidden stats, attributes and mechanics, this Guide will help you to learn more about them and understand how some specific skills and things work in the game.
Before I begin, this is going to be a huge wall of pure text so that it’s easier to Ctrl+F through or use Table of Content. I don’t expect you to read this whole thing, just the parts that interest you. If you’d like to make a visual version of this monstrosity, DM me on Disc.
Lilith really annoyed me a few months ago by stonewalling me when I asked for further skill details. Since then, I’ve been finding out anything and everything someone might want to know that Lilith has hidden from us, though funny enough, they’ve become more transparent since. I present to you AFKA BC, an extensive compilation of non-meta knowledge I’ve gathered, mostly through my own testing. This is going to be split into a Basic Theory section followed by a deeper dive into hidden mechanics of specific skills. Hope you enjoy.
- This is a study of myths and mechanics. I’m excluding meta knowledge since that continuously changes. This is more of a “how things work” that hopefully will stand the test of time. Feel free to translate this monstrosity if you wish as long as you credit.
- When I say S4, I mean skill 4, or the fourth skill to unlock. This is how I’ll differentiate between skills, sig (ie +30), and furn (ie 3f). Also helps if your game language isn’t in English – I’ll avoid using skill names.
- I use the phrase Auto/Auto attack/Normal/Normal attack interchangeably.
- If you don’t understand some of the language used here, this guide probably isn’t for you, but all the same, refer to Tree3’s term dictionary: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mwian9/afk_arena_dictionary_by_tree3_a_quick_list_of/
- All of this is accurate to the best of my knowledge, but I may still be wrong. Feel free to ask about any test I performed or comment if you think I’m wrong. You can also suggest further tests but no guarantees.
- Huge thanks to Nerds, Nilas, Arty, Zappy, Stink, Dae, JD, Arkinz, Vandor, Teckst, timeitself, misty, sirGabe, and many more for assistance and inspiration. Shoutout to Taverns Cult, NaXiS, AFK Analytica, Push Friends, and Sprouts for their help and insights along the way.
- Lastly, sorry about the organization lol.
Table of Contents
Basic Theory
Multiplicative vs Additive
I’m going to be using these two phrases a lot, so let me clarify. When percentages interact, they can do so in one of two ways, multiplicatively or additively. The difference is very important. For example, say I deal 100% base damage and get a 20% increase and a 10% increase. If they interact multiplicatively, I deal 132% damage (1.2×1.1). If they interact additively, I deal 130% damage (1+0.2+0.1). While this may not seem like a big deal, it has a much larger impact with higher values like an 80% increase and a 50% increase.
Buffs and debuffs can apply to either the caster/sender or the receiver. It’s important to know which is which. If you’re fighting a boss, a 20% damage buff on one ally is not as useful as a 20% vulnerability debuff applied on the boss. Most buffs and debuffs apply multiplicatively.
HP/Atk/Def and the Damage Formula
These are what I call primary stats. HP is how much health a hero has – when it runs out, they die, with a few exceptions. Attack determines how strong a hero’s attacks/skills/some heals are. Defense determines how much incoming damage a hero can mitigate. These 3 stats are key parts of the best damage formula we currently have from the brilliant u/CxEnsign,
Damage = A2M2/(AM+5D),
where A is the attacker’s attack, M is the attacker’s skill multiplier, and D is the target’s defense. Other special stats like crit modifiers and Damage Resist end up applying multiplicatively after this calculation.
The higher the skill multiplier, the less impact defense has. This is why a single hit of 500% deals more damage than 5 hits of 100% – defense does a better job of reducing the smaller hits.
The higher the attacker’s attack, the less impact defense has. Level deficit is the difference between the enemy’s level and yours. At close to zero deficit, like PVP, attack is more impactful than defense, but defense still plays a role. For campaign deficits, often 180+, enemy defense becomes a much more significant barrier, but our defense becomes negligible due to how high the enemy’s attack stat is, which is why we often need a different stat to survive – Damage Resist.
Damage Resist (PR/MR)
Damage Resist (DR) is a receiver-end buff that blocks X% of incoming damage, with PR blocking X% of incoming physical damage and MR blocking X% of incoming magical damage. DR does not apply to most shields.
DR is incredibly powerful. 50 DR means the hero takes half the intended damage, so they essentially have double the HP.
Different sources of DR tend to stack multiplicatively. There are a few exceptions, including Lucius S4, Rigby S3, Warek Ult, and Baden S4, and one could certainly argue Rigby and Baden are from the same source. PR/MR that you can see in the stats screen from gear/artis is all additive. I consider this to all be one source under the umbrella “pre-battle” DR.
By default, crits deal 200% damage and all units have 5 crit rating. Crit Rating is a hero’s chance (out of 100) to deal a critical strike. Crit Block Rate (CBR) is directly opposed to Crit Rating – the difference between the attacker’s Crit Rating and the defender’s Crit Block Rate determines the actual chance of performing a critical strike. I believe Crit Block Rate can be reduced below 0 (think Lyca S4, Ezio S3), but I wasn’t able to prove this. Crit Block Rate can also be raised to a theoretical infinity temporarily (think Kren S2, PoP 3f). In campaign, enemies do not appear to have CBR.
Crit Damage Amplification (CDA) and Crit Damage Resist (CDR) affect the multiplier when a critical strike is performed. The attacker’s CDA and the defender’s CDR are directly opposed to each other. CDR can be reduced below 0 (think Belinda 9F). The first 30 points of difference between the two modify crit by 1%. If the difference exceeds 30 points, further points modify the crit multiplier by 2%. A difference exceeding 60 points results in no further change, meaning the crit multiplier can range from 110% to 290%. In campaign, enemies do not appear to have CDR, so anything beyond 60 CDA has no impact there.
Other modifiers like 5* Dura’s Eye (+30%) or Gwyn’s S4 (+50%) are additive changes to the crit multiplier, but it still cannot exceed 290%. Therefore, Ainz with 80 CDA and 5* Eye facing an enemy with 0 CDR still has a 290% multiplier on crits.
There are various damaging skills that cannot crit (see True Life Loss section). Fera’s spirits, heals, and shields can never crit.
Accuracy (ACC) and Dodge are stats that determine if physical attacks hit (or miss). The attacker’s accuracy is directly opposed to the defender’s dodge. This relation does not appear to be linear but truthfully, nobody knows the formula. Intelligence-based heroes are considered to have a theoretical infinite accuracy*. This is probably why Lyca’s +20 specifically excludes INT heroes.
When these stats are close, changes to either seem to have a large impact, but if the difference is already massive, changes do little. (This is why giving dodge to Strength heroes is useless – they have <100 dodge when all classes have 540+ ACC. What’s another 20 dodge gonna do?)
For reference, I tested 3 enemies in Ch41 – Antandra, Drez, and Isa, all +30. Ant had 693 Dodge, Drez had 663, and Isa had 510.
*It may not be infinite – could just be a very high value such that they can’t miss in most circumstances. A few select heroes can dodge magic using skills (think Kaz S3 and SI, Kelthur S2, Ezio S2).
Life Leech
Life Leech (LL) greatly benefits units that deal massive damage but is mostly useless on all other units. It restores your HP by X% of the damage you deal – vampirism effect, if you like. For example, if I deal 1000 damage with 5 LL, I restore 50 HP. As such, Lucretia uses this well. Merlin does not use this well, but his SI grants LL to those being healed by his S2. If S2 is targeting Arthur and Albedo, the LL is wasted, but if S2 is targeting Ainz, the amount restored is quite high.
Damage dealt to shields does not count towards LL. Damage must be dealt to enemy HP for LL to take effect. The HP restored by LL is buffed by RH.
Sleep, Charm, Knock-up, Knock-down, Stun, Freeze, Petrify, Imprison, Fear, Coffin, Taunt, Nightmare, Entangle, Banish, Imprison, Cocoon, Silence*, Daze, Root, Acorn, Teleportation, Intoxicate, Paralyze, and other variants of skills that say “unable to attack or use skills” are forms of control (thanks Arkinz, Vandor, Teckst, and timeitself). They tend to be explicitly stated within the skill descriptions. All such abilities are considered debuffs.
Control immunity prevents most repositioning (think Eironn S3, Skri 3F), but repositioning skills are not considered control (don’t trigger Raku S4, Wu Kong S4, etc). Repositioning can be considered changes in the x or y direction caused by an enemy, but explicitly stated knockups/knockdowns, or changes in the z-direction, count as control. Joker’s AoA also counts (some) not-explicit knockdowns, such as Ezizh Ult, since v1.55. Portals from Pippa and Oden count as control even if the stun fails, but portals cannot be blocked by TY. Unfortunately, there are other exceptions to my definition.
Damage-based control is a control skill that accompanies damage, like Fawkes S3. If the damage is dodged, this type of control fails. This control can generally be blocked by any shield, though there are some exceptions like Eluard and Daimon. If a shield is present but is broken by the damage, the control succeeds. Other control skills do no damage and bypass shields. Tenacity can block both forms.
Strangely, there appears to be a third type of control which can be considered hybrid (thanks Arkinz). Notable examples include Mishka Ult and Raine S2. These abilities feature damage, control, and a knockup/knockdown. If the enemy is shielded and the damage doesn’t break the shield, these control abilities still succeed, but the knockup/knockdown fail. It’s unclear why this is.
Most types of control keep the enemy on the field so they’re still targetable, but some control skills, like Tasi S3 and Fawkes S3, remove the enemy from the field entirely.
The inability to Ult (think Ezizh S3) is considered a debuff, not control. Despite unclear wording, Atha S2, Estrilda S4, and Nako S2 count as control. There are likely other exceptions.
*Shem’s silence is unique because when cast on enemy INT heroes, it also blocks autos, meaning no actions can be taken, but when cast on non-INT, it does not block anything.
**The unit protected by Hendrik S3 is also immune to all control, even Tasi and Mehira, even though it’s not stated like it is in Bedo S2.
Insight (IS) and Tenacity (TY) determine the defender’s chance to resist control. The attacker’s IS is directly opposed to the defender’s TY. If IS≥TY, the control succeeds (unless a shield blocks it). If TY>IS, each point of difference increases the defender’s chance to resist control by 2%.
IS and TY have no impact on control-immune heroes.
Vulnerability isn’t an official stat but has extreme impacts on battle calculations. You can think of it as the opposite of DR – instead of a buff on the receiver end that makes you take less damage, it’s a debuff on the receiver end that makes you take more damage. This is incredibly potent against bosses. Warek S2, Raku S4, and LDV 9F are common examples, as well as Dura’s Might S1. Different sources of vulnerability stack multiplicatively.
The latest stats introduced by Engravings, Physical Pierce (PP) and Magical Pierce (MP) are casting-end buffs that increase damage dealt by X% if the enemy has no PR/MR or ignore X% of enemy PR/MR if it exists.
Pierce and Vulnerability have a bizarre interaction that I’ve never been able to figure out. Instead of interacting multiplicatively or additively, they do work together to increase damage, but the net result is lower than expected.
There are other damage modifiers like Damage Amplification (buff on casting end that increases damage dealt) but they’re far less prevalent and don’t really deserve their own section.
Healing and Anti-heal
The healing formula is essentially just whatever the skill says it scales off of, with some % modifiers tagged on after. You cannot heal beyond your Max HP, unless you’re Nemora or Pippa copying Nemora. There are three stats that affect healing: Recovery, Health Regeneration (HR), and Received Healing (RH).
Recovery is atrocious and a waste of code (much like Trading Hub). It’s only present in specific, very weak gear pieces and restores a flat amount of HP/s. For obvious reasons, this scales terribly, and most players don’t even know it exists because of how useless and rare it is.
HR boosts healing by X% from the caster’s end, so you’d want this on someone like Rowan/Silas.
RH boosts healing by X% from the receiver’s end, so you’d want this on tanks, or anyone you want to heal, really. HR and RH interact multiplicatively. It is worth noting that Hogan’s S3 is not actually HR, but RH. Dura’s Drape is worth 10-30 RH and Silas SI is worth up to 48 RH.
Some skills reduce healing (think Gwyn S3, Fera SI, Silas SI, Atha SI). These are often phrased “reduce health recovery rate”, but despite the similarity in name to HR, it behaves like the opposite of RH, meaning it debuffs healing received, not healing output. It is worth noting that Ira’s S3 also behaves like the opposite of RH despite the wording. Most such debuffs stack additively. Hodgkin’s siphon debuff and Leofric 3F act as negative HR.
Some other skills (think Satrana 9f, Torne S3) block healing entirely. This cannot be mitigated by any amount of HR or RH (because multiplying anything by 0 is 0).
Attack Speed and Haste
Attack Speed (AS) is fairly straightforward. Normals/Autos, even weird ones (see Weird Normals/Autos section), occur at a higher frequency. That’s all. Side note, this stat is basically useless on Saurus since he never uses autos unless flinched/controlled, and if that happens, you’re in deep trouble.
Haste determines how fast your heroes do, well, everything*. This speeds up attack animations and frequency as well as cooldowns, but can sometimes be undesirable if increased haste changes the skill rotation, making your hero perform a different skill than what you wanted (think Ferael’s Mythic Weapon). I don’t know the exact Haste formula, but u/inSeason is working on it. This is the best special stat in the game.
When it comes to auto attacks, both AS and Haste have an impact. AS appears to have diminishing returns, but Haste is harder to prove.
*Almost everything. I don’t think increased Haste negatively affects the duration of Eluard’s buff. I also think Haste doesn’t affect how long you get controlled, but really, testing this would be extraordinarily difficult. The most likely scenario is that Haste affects frequency timers, not duration timers, so Kren’s Ult still lasts 10s, but he can fire each shell faster than the stated 0.5s.
Skill Frequency/Rotations
A unit’s autos and active skills have cooldowns which are generally affected by Haste. If only one auto/skill is off of cooldown, then that will be cast. However, if multiple skills are available, then the skill with the higher priority order is cast first. Each unit has their own priority order. The Ult has the highest priority. This has an unfortunate side effect where an Ult can “clip” a different ability, forcing it on cooldown despite not actually casting it.
If a unit is interrupted or controlled during a cast, that skill will be put on cooldown and then the next skill in the rotation will be cast.
Flinching and Openers
Flinching, or staggering, is a way to stop a skill without control. If a unit takes a single heavy hit of >10% Max HP or thereabouts, they will ‘flinch’, stopping their current skill cast. That skill is placed on cooldown and the unit moves on to the next skill in their rotation.
All units start a battle with either an auto or a skill, which I call their “opener”. Some are explicitly stated as only occurring at the start of battle and never again. Nem 9F, as of writing this, is the fastest opener in the game. This is likely due to the fact that her activation condition is proximity, not a haste check. Other “fast” openers in no particular order include Ukyo S3, Nako S2, Aw!Ezizh S2, Zaph S3, Estrilda S4, and Saurus S3. Atha S2 and Nara S3 are fast enough to interrupt Mehira S4. Lyca S3, Zol 3F, and Alna passive can change who wins many of these opening interactions.
Base Stats and Power Creeps
Base stats are determined by level and ascension. Most %-based primary stat powercreeps (t3/4 gear, artis, union, sig, furn, tree, engraves) individually scale off of those base stats, so the power creeps stack additively.*
For example, if I have +20% Atk from Sig and +10% Atk from Furn, if I get another +5% Atk from Engrave, I’m not getting a 5% increase. I’m getting (1.35/1.3), which is only a 3.8% increase.
That is to say, the more power creeps introduced to the game, the more diluted impact each individual power creep has.
*This is apparently not true for LC. I have no idea what formula is used there.
Shields are considered buffs on the defender and thus are affected by buff-removing skills like Fawkes Ult and Desira 9F*. For as long as a shield exists, no energy will be gained from an incoming hit and damage-based control does not affect the wielder, though the damage will still weaken the shield. LL and DR** do not affect shields. Shields block Thoran S4 with the exception of the shield from Ainz S4. Most shields expire after a certain amount of time except for the shields from Talene Ult, Eluard, and Arthur S3. Multiple shields stack and it appears the first shield that appeared on the unit is the one that takes damage first.
*Daimon’s Blood Shield is not affected by Fawkes Ult. It’s unclear to me if it also ignores Desira 9F. Merlin Ult shield cannot be dispelled.
**Arthur S4 does affect his shields and Granit S4 specifically stipulates that it grants DR.
Most units require 1000 energy to Ult. When casting an Ult, the game clock freezes as does the rest of the field and the casting unit is the only one able to move, unless you happen to activate another ally’s Ult during an Ult animation (requires manual Ults), or you have Orthros 3F. For the time-frozen duration, timed buffs/debuffs on only the casting unit(s) continue to play out. On Arthur that gives him more healing from his +30, but for buffs like Dura’s Sorcery S1 and Silas Ult, this is a bad thing.
All units gain energy in one of three ways. The first is when they cast an auto/skill. The amount gained depends on the skill. The amount of damage dealt has no impact. The number of targets hit by an AoE or multi target skill has no impact on the energy gained by the caster (you can actually hit 0 targets and still gain energy from the cast).
The second way is when they take damage, known as “energy recovered when injured”. If the enemy dodges or is shielded, they don’t gain energy from the received hit, because they weren’t injured. When units are immune to damage, like Brutus, they don’t gain energy from being hit, but a unit like Thoran is not immune to damage – he just can’t be killed – so he does gain energy from being hit during his Ult. The amount of damage received has no impact on the energy gained – only matters if nonzero damage was received.
The third way is when they get a kill. On-kill energy is 200 per kill (summons don’t count). Talene never gives on-kill energy because she can’t be killed. Thoran only gives on-kill energy if you kill him after he resurrects. If there is no on-kill energy, it’s not considered a kill, so something like Lucretia SI won’t count it either.
There are many skills that modify energy gain. Fera’s spirits are flat reductions to energy. Skills like Oden 3F apply % reductions that reduce energy gain from all sources. Raine and Rosa give extra energy to an ally. Lyca and Ezizh provide energy to all allies (Ezizh even when dead), and of course 5 Star Dura’s Call is the king of energy.
Immunity Frames
Some units have animation frames where they cannot be dealt damage, or sometimes can’t even be targeted. Some examples of such would be Zikis Ult, Thane Ult and S3, Rosa S4, Antandra Ult, Satrana Ult, Kaz S3, Kelthur S2, and Ezio S2. Units like Atha and Ceci have delayed entrances onto the battlefield due to their openers, so they cannot be targeted at the start of battles. This can be situationally undesirable, since Eluard SI will not help them.
A Closer Look at Damage Skills
The following distinctions are not mutually exclusive.
Weird Normals/Autos
Most autos are periodic, with one auto of 100% damage per period. All of the following are abnormal for Normal attacks in some way. All of these are still affected by AS modifiers, Arthur included. I’ve excluded some units like Satrana and Ainz because I have nothing further to say that’s not already stated in-game and the list would get too long otherwise. I may have missed further examples.
- Mostly does a dual strike of 40% dmg each, but sometimes does a single strike of 75%
- Each attack independently, dealing 75% damage
- Either does a standard 100% dmg or does a double hit of 70% each
- Fires 3 hits of 40% dmg each as her Normal Attack before Ult, single 150% AoE after Ult
Wu Kong
- Triple hit of 45% dmg each as his Normal
- Double swipe, dealing 100% dmg per swipe as her Normal. I can only assume this duration is slower than average or this wouldn’t be fair.
- His own Autos deal 100% dmg, but his Serpent also has a double hit of 70% each as an Auto.
- Double hit, dealing 150% AoE dmg each in quick succession before a brief reset
- Fast autos, deals either 60% or 70% dmg each
- Double hit, 65% dmg each
- 135% dmg autos
- Has standard Normals but also throws a frying pan sometimes that deals 140% dmg because… reasons. He also has a small chance to heal an enemy for 25% of his attack…
- At lvl 1, there appears to be rng coded into her auto, dealing anywhere from 130% to 185% damage. The only discernible difference is how long she pulled the bowstring. Would be curious to see if anyone had dug deeper into this.
- After unlocking them, S2 and/or S3 have a chance to replace her Normals. The proc rates for those skills are independent. These take roughly twice the standard amount of time for an auto cast. The rng autos still seem to take place but due to the low probability of failing both S2 and S3, are hardly noticeable.
- His Ult replaces his Normals with stronger AoE Normals that fire faster. With SI, his Ult gains knockback, but for whatever reason, they do not gain stun capability. Thus, Kren’s SI20 ability is largely useless, only affecting his non-Ult autos.
- His normals target the opponent in the position directly opposed to his own.
- Her autos deal 130% dmg.
- His autos deal 120% dmg.
- Hit Ult increases his Attack by 50% but his ranged auto also deals 130% base damage for a total of 195% damage. When he consumes energy to strengthen autos, the auto’s base damage is raised to 185% for a total hit of 277.5%.
- Raku’s autos deal 150% dmg. His +30 adds a separate 15% current (or 650% dmg) hit. These crit independently. With S4, both of these can hit multiple targets.
- Double swipe, dealing 85% dmg per swipe as her Normal
- With 9F, S2 replaces Normals. These take roughly twice the standard amount of time for an auto cast.
- Autos deal either the standard 100% dmg or a dual hit of 65% each
- Either dual hit of 50% dmg each or triple hit of 40% each
- Autos appear to deal 90% dmg
- Pretty standard but sometimes does 2 hits of 80% each as well as a chain of 90% hits.
- At lvl 1, his autos are a double AoE swipe dealing ~70% dmg per hit.
- After unlocking S3, he loses his whip upon casting S3 and does 100% autos until he regrows his whip from Ult or S4. He then immediately casts S3 again and loses the whip.
- Daimon’s autos are not cast by himself, but by Stitchy. Stitchy walks forward and does the standard 100% damage per hit, until S3 procs, which can be distinguished as a triple attack in quick succession.
- Does a single slow hit for 180% dmg
- Alternates between single hit and double hit, all dealing 100% dmg
- Does a triple hit of 60% dmg each for her Normal
- Auto deals 130% dmg
- Dual hit of 80% each
Defense Pierce and %HP
For defense piercing skills, in the damage formula, enemy defense is considered 0 for that calculation. Eironn S4, Skriath +30, and Nara Ult are examples that specifically stipulate this.
%HP skills deal a portion of the enemy’s Max, Current, or Lose HP as damage to the enemy. All %HP based skills appear to have a cap. I’ve found as many as I can, but I’m still missing some.
% Already Lost HP
While % max and % current are fairly straightforward, “% already lost” is not as clear. Some abilities like Hendrik Ult count aggregate lost HP, including that which has been healed, while other abilities like Silas S4 and Izold Ult/S4 only count the HP currently missing. With this inconsistency, it is very difficult to prove which applies to which skill without testing every skill.
“Lose health” and True Life Loss
This is a unique skill classification that’s not often spoken of. It’s super noticeable in dismal lab, especially if the debuffs are rough. Only a few units have it, including but not limited to:
Atha +20/30:
- “Enemies will lose health equal to 85% of Athalia’s Attack Rating per second…”
Flora Ult:
- “Enemies that are within the sea of flowers lose 40% worth of Flora’s Attack Rating as health per second.”
Vurk S3/4:
- “… will also lose health equal to 50% of Vurk’s Attack Rating every second.”
Satrana S3:
- “… the enemy loses 1% of their max health per second.”
Satrana S4:
- “Burning enemies lose a value of health equal to 43% of Satrana’s Attack Rating.”
Kaz 3F:
- “Poisoned enemies … lose 70% worth of Kaz’s Attack Rating value as health every second over a duration of 4 seconds.”
Merlin S3:
- “… causing them to lose health equal to 150% of Merlin’s Attack Rating every second.”
Mezoth Ult:
- “Imprisoned enemies lose health equal to 90% of Mezoth’s Attack Rating per second.”
Thoran S4:
- “Cursed enemy loses health equal to 75% of the damage Thoran receives.”
Ainz S3:
- “Enemies lose 50% of their current health.”
All of these have the phrase “…lose health equal to…” or close enough, which is a distinct type of skill that ignores all defense, DR, immunities and can’t be buffed*, but cannot crit or kill. I’m fairly sure none of these can stack.
*The damage transferred through the link from Lorsan S3 technically falls under this category but I assume something got lost in translation since it does not state “lose health”. Shoutout to Nilas for catching this. Nara S3 and Solise’ Spectre deflection also fall under this category, even though it does not follow the wording pattern. For some reason, Satrana’s S3 can be buffed, and is the only exception I’m aware of since most of these abilities don’t have hitsplats.
I’m defining True Life Loss (thanks Nilas) as a skill that is unaffected by any other stats, meaning it ignores Defense, cannot crit (therefore ignoring CDA/CDR), cannot be buffed (ie ignores Vulnerability and Pierce), and cannot be debuffed (ignores DR). This is notably not considered damage, as it ignores the damage formula and damage immunity, and Life Leech does not trigger.
Other examples of this not in the “lose health” vein are commonly used, such as Mortas S2, Scarlet S3, Daimon S2, and Ezio Ult. These are considered “True” in the sense that the amount of HP the enemy loses is exactly what it says they will or whatever the cap is, no more, no less. This definition works fine with the exception of killing (Ezio).
Problem is, there are many more %HP skills that don’t act like “lose health” or True Life Loss, and it’s anyone’s guess as to exactly how they work. I’ve done my best to test as many as I can and the results are in the next section, along with everything else I couldn’t find a place for.
Other Hidden/Useful Skill Info (Stacking/Caps)
The results of many many hours of testing. Shoutout to Nerds and Arty for their help. This section is absurdly long so it’s probably best you skim it. It’s organized by artifacts first, then by hero in the order they appear in the portraits menu.
Dura’s Sustenance S1:
- “Creates a protective shield… equal to X% of the blessed hero’s own Attack Rating for 7 seconds when the blessed hero uses their ultimate skill for the first time.”
- This only lasts 3s, unclear why.
Dura’s Fortitude S2:
- “… dealing AoE damage equal to X% of each respective enemies’ max health…”
- This cannot crit. The cap for this skill is really low but I can’t pinpoint an exact value for it. The cap scales off of the tank’s own Max HP.
Dura’s Celerity S2:
- “… deal an additional X% damage to the enemy which cannot be dodged.”
- This can’t crit, ignores Def (and possibly DR), and can be buffed by vulnerability as well as faction bonus.
Dura’s Blade:
- “…attack rating increases 1.5% every 3s…”
- This appears to be additive stacks.
Dura’s Conviction:
- “Increases the wearer’s Attack Rating by 7% when there are no nearby enemies.”
- When she is flying, this buff is always active on Flora. It won’t work on Astar Ult.
Seraphic Tide:
- “Enemy heroes struck by an orb are dealt 150% damage…”
- This can crit.
Warden of the Arcane:
- “Deals 190% additional damage.”
- This is a separate hit. It can crit and is affected by vulnerability.
Chaos Bringer:
- “…deals 180% AoE damage…”
- This is a separate hit and can crit.
Waistband of Resilience:
- “Deals 130% damage…”
- This can crit.
Life’s Limit:
- “…the central target, and the nearby enemies shall be dealt 180% AoE damage…”
- This can crit.
Verdant Longbow:
- “Deals 230% damage to a target, ignoring their Defense Ratings…”
- This is a separate hit and can crit.
Dual Divinity:
- “Every time the wielder deals damage to enemies while on the enemy side of the battlefield, their Attack Rating is increased by 5% and the damage they receive is reduced by 5%. Effects can be stacked 10 times.”
- Each effect stacks additively.
Atha Ult:
- “Enemies that are struck more than once are dealt an additional 50% damage.”
- This does not stack. As of writing this, this only increases damage by 30% multiplicatively (190%x1.3=247%).
Atha S3:
- “Athalia unleashes a multi-staged attack… the final blow dealing 170% damage…”
- This does 3 hits of 80%, then 5 hits of 40%, before ending on a 170% hit.
Atha S4:
- “Each living ally raises Athalia’s damage by 4%.”
- This stacks additively. This does not count herself or summons.
Atha 9F:
- “Athalia strikes at her enemies every 15 seconds… After striking, the damage of Athalia’s Normal Attacks is increased by 20% until the end of battle. This ability can be stacked 4 times.”
- The cooldown is affected by haste. The attack buff stacks additively.
Twins S2:
- “Elijah restores 160% of his ally’s health.”
- This is obviously mistranslated – he actually heals an ally for 160% of his attack.
Twins S4:
- “In this state of union, the two heroes will both take 30% of the damage that is inflicted upon the other, subsequently lessening the damage of the allied hero which is attacked.”
- The original damage dealt to ally A is reduced by 30%, and ally B takes that 30% damage as True Life Loss. In other words, the damage is split 70/30, and only ally A’s defense/DR count.
Orthros Ult:
- “… inflicting 80% damage per attack on the enemy.”
- This hits 8 times.
Talene Ult:
- “When in Phoenix Form’, Talene’s Normal Attacks shall deal additional damage that is equal to 20% of the remaining shield values produced by her shield abilities.”
- The additional damage displays as a separate hit and can crit. There appears to be a positive interaction with Haelus that makes this skill slightly more powerful than the numbers would suggest. There is no cap.
Talene S2:
- “When Talene is in Phoenix form, meteorites will continually fall randomly every 0.5 seconds upon random enemy targets for a certain duration of time.”
- As a Phoenix, three extra meteors are cast for a total of 4. After being killed and revived by S3, Talene does not return in Phoenix form, so the meteors reset back to 1 per cast.
Talene S3:
- “… will still receive the positive effects of her allies’ abilities…. Talene’s Recovery Rate is reduced by 20% every subsequent time that she transforms into a fireball.”
- This reduction is additive (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%). This also implies Talene’s revives are limited to 5 per battle, unless potentially healed by another ally while in fireball form.
Wu Kong Ult:
- “Wu Kong disappears from the battlefield after summoning 3 clones of himself. Clones possess 90% of the original Wu Kong’s stats.”
- The original Wu cannot gain energy while these clones are alive, except for energy gained from his 3F. Even energy from kills is given to the individual clone who got the kill, not the original Wu. For reasons I can’t explain, Wu’s clones gain a lot more than 90% of his stats, but it varies – my own got 172.9% attack, a merc got 158.7% attack, and a friend got 165% attack.
Wu Kong S2:
- “… also deals additional damage that is equal to 8% of his enemies’ current health value.”
- The additional damage is capped at 220% attack for a total of 440%. The damage displays as one combined hit. Both crit together (ie 880%) or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability.
Wu Kong +30:
- “Regains 3 protective barriers each time his ultimate ability is used.”
- This cannot exceed the original cap of 4.
Flora S3:
- “Damage dealt is equal to 60% of the health value sacrificed by Flora.”
- Damage dealt is actually equal to 100% of what was sacrificed, affected by Def, DR, and vulnerability. This can crit.
Zaph S2:
- “The thundercloud deals additional damage equal to 5% of the enemy target’s max health (additional damage cannot exceed 200% of Zaphrael’s Attack Rating).”
- The damage displays as one combined hit for a total of 370%. Both crit together (ie 740%) or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability. This thundercloud is immune to Charm, so even if Mehira is controlling Zaph, the thundercloud will attack Mehira’s allies, not Zaph’s.
Alna S2:
- “… dealing damage equal to 14% of their max health. Damage dealt cannot exceed 520% of Alna’s own Attack Rating.”
- This can crit and is affected by vulnerability.
Haelus Ult:
- “The obelisk will deal additional damage equal to 3% of the target’s max health, but shall not exceed 120% of its own Attack Rating.”
- The obelisk attacks roughly twice every 4s. The additional damage displays as a separate hit, and while the obelisk’s Normal damage can crit, the additional damage portion cannot. The additional damage is buffed by Dura’s Might S1 but not by Warek S2.
Haelus e60:
- “When an ally possesses any type of shield, they shall recover 15 Energy points per second. Each ally can recover up to 300 Energy points as a result of this ability per battle…”
- This ability lasts at least 7s after Haelus’ death. Presumably, all allies can still get their full 20s’ worth, but it is difficult to prove the full time.
Aw!Talene Ult:
- “… deals 210% damage 8 times…”
- Her ult takes about 2s of the game clock to attack 8x. This ult cannot be interrupted while in progress, not even by Ezizh S3.
Aw!Talene S5:
- “Whenever an allied hero deals a Critical Strike to an enemy…Talene uses the power of Solaris to deal 240% additional damage to the target.”
- This ability can be triggered by crits from herself and from summons. The extra damage dealt by this ability can crit and is affected by Dura’s Might S1.
Audrae S3:
- “Audrae’s Normal Attacks… damage of the attacks increasing the farther away they are. Damage can be increased by a maximum of 120%.”
- In tests against Wrizz, Audrae got a bonus of 39.26%, 52.06%, 70.79%, 57.86%, and 78.47%, respectively by position order. This implies that Wrizz’s location is not centered, closer to the top of the field.
Audrae e30:
- “The damage of Audrae’s other skills also increases based on the enemy’s distance, with the damage increasing the farther away the enemy is. Skill damage can be increased by a maximum of 50%.”
- In tests against Wrizz, Audrae got a bonus of 16.35%, 21.69%, 29.48%, 24.11%, and 32.70%, respectively by position order.
Ezizh Ult:
- “The explosion causes part of the ground to burn, damaging any enemies standing upon it for 5 seconds.”
- The burning damage starts at 20% attack/0.375s for a total of 13 hits over 5s (unaffected by Haste) and can be reduced by DR/defense.
Ezizh S2:
- “Prevents enemies using ultimate abilities for 2 seconds every time one of Ezizh’s teammates uses an ultimate ability.”
- This ability ends when Ezizh dies.
Ezizh +10/20:
- I won’t even write the current translation – it’s that misleading. There is no duration increase.
- At +10, it should say “For every 1 second that the fire from “Burning Ground” is active, the damage increases by 15%.” At +20: “For every 1 second that the fire from “Burning Ground” is active, the damage increases by 20%.”
Mehira S2:
- “Mehira uses her whip to deal 130% AoE damage to everyone in front of her…”
- This hits twice. If an ally is killed by this ability, Mehira gains 200 energy.
Mehira S3:
- “… Mehira will leech 3% of the enemy’s current health to restore her own.”
- This is capped at 300% Attack, even at e30, and triggers every second during the 12s duration. It appears to be True Life Loss.
Mehira S4:
- “At the beginning of battles Mehira will sacrifice 60% of her current health…”
- This is True Life Loss.
Mehira +30:
- “If at full health, any excess healing effects from Mehira will be converted into Energy.”
- This only applies to excess healing from the +20 ability. For whatever reason, Talene Ult and Scarlet S3 will not trigger the +20. It’s possible that True Life Loss in general will not trigger this ability.
Mehira 3F:
- “… minions’ damage is increased by 100% and when sacrificed by Mehira, the amount of health she regains from them is increased by 80%.”
- This damage increase is a 2x multiplier, or 75%x2. When sacrificed, 45% HP is restored, or 25%x1.8.
Zolrath S2:
- “Zolrath and his future self deal 50% damage multiple times to an enemy…”
- This does 6 hits of 50%.
Zolrath S3:
- “Zolrath’s Attack Rating increases by 1% per second until it reaches 70%.”
- This stacks additively.
Zolrath +20:
- “Damage dealt to enemies with a lower health percentage than Zolrath is increased by 40%.”
- This only affects Zol’s damage. For reasons I do not understand, this buff is always active against Wrizz. Presumably, this could hold true for other bosses as well.
Khaz +30:
- “Increases the duration of most negative debuff effects which are currently affecting all enemies on the battlefield by 60%.”
- This effect lasts the entire battle even if Khazard is killed.
Mezoth S2:
- “If Mezoth successfully knocks down an enemy, he proceeds to strike them multiple times, dealing 70% damage per strike…”
- This deals 70% 4 times before the final hit.
Lucretia +30:
- “When any non-summoned allies die, Lucretia’s Attack Rating is increased by 50% for 20 seconds. This ability can be stacked.”
- This stacks additively.
Mortas S2:
- “Normal Attacks steal 8% of the enemy’s current health… The amount of health stolen from an enemy cannot exceed 220% of Mortas’ own Attack Rating.”
- The health steal displays a separate hit and is True Life Loss.
Zikis S3:
- “If the Languid Eye strikes an enemy already suffering the effects of Lethargy, they shall be dealt additional damage that is equal to 15% of their max health, but shall not exceed 600% of Zikis’ Attack Rating.”
- The additional damage displays as a separate hit and cannot crit, even though the 300% portion can crit. This is affected by vulnerability.
Framton S2:
- “Framton’s Normal Attack turns into a quick flurry of successive strikes, dealing 150% damage per strike to enemies in front of him…”
- This hits 5 times for 150% before the final blow of 320%.
Vyloris S3:
- “Vyloris uses 10% of her current health to manifest a shield of equal value… Deals 12% max health damage to enemies with a “Cursed Aura.” Damage cannot exceed 530% of Vyloris’ Attack Rating.”
- The health sacrificed is True Life Loss. The %HP damage can crit and is affected by vulnerability.
Vyloris +10:
- “Vyloris passively deals 200% more damage to enemy summons.”
- This acts as a 3x multiplier.
Vyloris 3F:
- “The value of the shield manifested by “Fatal Embrace” is additionally increased by 300%”
- Instead of a shield worth 10% of her current HP, it becomes 40%.
Belinda Ult:
- “Damage increases for every successive hit that lands.”
- This increase is worth 10%, stacking multiplicatively (1.1x, 1.21x, 1.331x, etc). For you math nerds, Pascal’s Triangle is in AFKA.
Belinda S4:
- “Belinda blesses 2 allies with the highest Attack Rating, raising their Attack Rating by 20% and Crit Rating by 20%.”
- This lasts 10 seconds.
Belinda 9F:
- “When Belinda deals damage to an enemy, their Crit Damage Resistance is reduced by 35 points for 3 seconds.”
- This buffs all of her hits. Enemy CDR can be reduced below 0.
Belinda e60:
- “Blessed heroes have their damage increased by 15% for every attack. This effect can be stacked 4 times, after which the effect is ended.“
- This starts at 0, stacks additively, then resets back to 0 after the fifth hit, so on average, it’s only a 30% damage boost, but more likely less since you’re unlikely to get off a number of hits that are exactly a multiple of 5.
Raine Ult:
- “Bounty Mark’s duration increased to 16 seconds.”
- This cannot stack. Instead, the duration is refreshed.
Raine S2:
- “The attack deals 70% damage 5 times to the enemy with the lowest health and 10% 5 times …The final attack against the enemy with the lowest health deals extra damage that is equal to 15% of the health which they have already lost but shall not exceed 360% of Raine’s Attack Rating.“
- None of the damage values stated in this skill are correct. The 70% hit deals 58.35% damage, the 10% hit deals 11.68% damage, and the additional damage portion caps at 210%. It displays as a combined hit, where both crit or neither does. I actually stumbled across this while trying to test if Raine S4 worked, and I can’t tell if any of these values were influenced by it.
Raine +20:
- “When both Raine and the ally she is teamed up with are alive and one of them uses their ultimate ability, both Raine and her ally will receive a shield that is able to mitigate damage equal to 100% of Raine’s Attack Rating.”
- This shield lasts roughly 7s.
Raine 9F:
- “When the marked enemy dies, Raine re-marks the enemy that currently has the lowest health.”
- Raine can re-mark multiple times, but will not do so if she is dead. (Thanks Misty).
Fawkes S2:
- Despite the description not mentioning it, this skill does 160% damage.
Fawkes S3:
- “… enemy with the highest Attack Rating… locks them in his coffin for 9 seconds.”
- If there is only one enemy on the field, this ability will not activate. This ability ends prematurely if Fawkes is killed. If alive and the timer ends, Fawkes performs an animation to release the enemy hero, but if for whatever non-death reason he can’t perform the release animation, the hero remains coffined. (Thanks Arty and Vandor)
Fawkes S4:
- “Silver Bolt raises Fawkes’ Normal Attack damage by 30% and deals a further additional 40% damage to de-buffed enemies.”
- This is additive, so 170% against debuffed enemies.
Fawkes 3F:
- “If Fawkes or any of his allies have a Factional Advantage over any of their enemies, their Factional Advantage damage bonus will be increased by 8%.”
- This applies multiplicatively, or 1.25×1.08.
Fawkes e60:
- “Attack abilities deal 40% additional damage to de-buffed enemies.”
- This ability enhances the damage dealt by skills but the auto already has this buff so no change there. The buff only applies to his own abilities.
Lucius Ult:
- “Shield is able to restore allies’ health over time.”
- Unfortunately there’s no healsplat, but this scales off of Lucius’s stats in some way.
Lucius S2:
- “…dealing 160% AoE damage…”
- This does two swings, approximately 55% then 160%.
Lucius S4:
- “Damage received while using Blessed Shield is reduced by 75%. Lucius recovers 200% more Energy when attacked while using Blessed Shield.”
- The DR interacts additively with other sources, so with gear, Lucius can become physically immune. The energy modifier is a 3x multiplier.
Thane Ult:
- “Number of attacks are increased once for every critical strike landed until the amount of attacks reach a total of 8 attacks.”
- This is probably meant to say capped at 8 bonus attacks.
Thane S3:
- “…multi-stage attack with the final attack dealing 90% damage. The final attack also deals additional damage equal to 18% of the target’s max HP.”
- This deals roughly 12 hits of 20% damage, before the final hit of 90% damage + additional 18% Max (capped at 300% Atk). The additional damage displays as a separate hit and can’t crit. It is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not Warek S2.
Thane 3F:
- “… deals additional damage to the target equal to 18% of their max health. The additional damage dealt by this ability cannot exceed 360% of Thane’s own Attack Rating.”
- The additional damage displays as a separate hit and cannot crit. It is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not Warek S2.
Hendrik +20:
- “All of Hendrik’s attacks now do additional damage that is equal to 2% of his max health.”
- This displays as a combined hit. They crit together or not at all.
Rowan Ult:
- “If the coins are collected by any allies, they will recover 70 Energy points and their Attack Rating will be increased by 30% for 8 seconds.”
- Any given ally can receive up to 6 coins per ult (+420 energy). Receiving multiple coins does not stack the attack buff. The coins prioritize units close to Rowan, including enemies. Rowan cannot receive any of these buffs. It seems only 3 coins can be sent out at any given time.
Rowan S2:
- “Rowan’s duck attacks the nearest enemy multiple times for 80% damage each…”
- This hits 4 times but only steals energy once.
Rowan S3/SI:
- “When a nearby ally’s health drops below 50% a potion will be used to restore 40% of their max health. When an ally’s Energy is above 600 points they will drink a potion, replenishing 400 Energy points.”
- This skill has a limited range and cannot be used by Rowan.
Gwyn S2:
- “… burning effect deals 60% damage per second.”
- This damage can crit.
Rosa Ult:
- “While following her ally, the damage that Rosaline receives is reduced by 40%.”
- This DR appears to be active even if she’s the only hero remaining.
Rosa S2:
- “Rosaline now throws an additional fork that deals additional damage equal to 20% of the target’s current health.”
- The additional damage is capped at 700% Atk and displays as a combined hit (820%). Both crit together (ie 1640%) or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability. This skill throws the fork first, then 3 teacups, ending with the saucer.
Rosa S3:
- “Rosaline heals the ally she is following for 190% worth of her Attack Rating. The effects of this ability are increased by 25% each time it is successfully used, up until it reaches 150%.”
- The bonus applies multiplicatively and stack additively, so at max, it’s 190%x2.5.
Rosa 3F:
- “When the ally Rosaline is following successfully lands their normal attacks on an enemy, she manifests “Tea Cups” to throw at that enemy…”
- Only one tea cup is thrown per furn proc. This ability does not seem to generate energy.
Ceci Ult:
- “… enemy which currently has the most “Symbols of Sin” above their head, dealing 360% damage to them… If used against enemies marked with 5 symbols, the targeted enemy will be dealt additional 300% damage.”
- Ceci’s ult deals triple damage or 1080% to enemies marked with 5 Symbols. After casting the ult, if the hit target(s) had 5 Symbols, their Symbols reset to 0.
Ceci S2:
- “The damage caused by this ability is increased by 10% for every additional symbol that the enemy is marked with.”
- This stacks additively.
Ceci +30:
- “Cecilia’s Health Recovery Rate is increased by an additional 50%.”
- This doesn’t affect any incoming heals except presumably her own healing from SI20. Problem is, her SI20 has no visual heal-splat so I can’t tell if it even does that.
Ceci 9F:
- “The Ultimate skill “Judgement Day” is additionally cast once upon the enemy marked with the second highest number of Symbols of Sin.”
- If there is only one enemy, they do not get hit twice.
Rigby S3:
- “Damage is reduced by 30% each time skill is stacked.”
- This stacks additively with itself and multiplicatively with other sources.
Eluard Ult:
- “If Eluard already possesses a Divine Shield, he consumes it in order to deal damage equal to 20% of the consumed shield’s value to all enemies. Damage dealt cannot exceed 500% of Eluard’s own Attack Rating.”
- This ability’s damage can crit.
Eluard S3:
- “Eluard recites divine scripture, which grants the ally farthest forward on the battlefield immunity from all damage. This ability can be interrupted.”
- He recites for roughly 5s max.
Eluard S4:
- “Enemies that slay allied heroes will be dealt 80% more damage for each that they slay.”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively.
Peggy +0/10/20:
- “Guards’ Attack Ratings are increased by 12/15%…. Attributes cannot be increased more than 2/3 times.”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively.
Morrow Ult:
- “Morrow summons an Eye of Evil that deals 200% damage 5 times to enemies within range.”
- The Evil Eye appears to mark the ground and damage is dealt to units in that marked area. This casting animation is so long that Dura’s Sorcery S1 expires before any damage is dealt.
Morrow 3F:
- “When all non-summoned allies have lost a combined 10% of their health, the duration of debuff effects dealt by Morrow will be extended by 5%, and may be extended up to a maximum of 100%.”
- As best I can tell, two dead allies max this out.
Scarlet Ult:
- “Scarlet unleashes dark energy onto the battlefield, resulting in up to 12 attacks. This skill has a 5% chance to strike allied targets.”
- I tested this with 9F so she unleashes 20 shots. It takes about 4s of the game clock. Presumably that means it would take a little over 2s without 9F. Only about 4 or 5 shots get buffed by Dura’s Sorcery S1. She can cast other skills after the first hit is released without waiting for the others to land. She can strike herself and allies, and if she kills an ally, can gain 200 energy from it.
Scarlet S3:
- “Scarlet drains 10% max health from all targets within range, but the drained value cannot exceed 600% of her own Attack Rating.”
- Summons count. This appears to be True Life Loss.
Scarlet S4:
- “Each time any target on the battlefield has lower than 15% health…”
- Scarlet herself cannot be targeted by this but summons can.
Scarlet +30:
- “Every time dark energy successfully explodes, an additional 4% max health damage is dealt to targets that are surrounded by residual dark energy. Additional damage dealt cannot exceed 280% of Scarlet’s Attack Rating.”
- If a single enemy is hit successively by the Ult, this can trigger 20 times per Ult. The additional damage displays as a combined hit of 460%. Both crit together (ie 920%) or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability.
Scarlet 3F:
- “Every time Scarlet uses her Ultimate skill permanently increases its damage by 50% of Scarlet’s Attack Rating the following times it’s used, up until the additional damage reaches 250%.”
- Even the first Ult gets buffed by 50%. This stacks additively and applies additively.
Aw!Thane S2:
- “… Thane’s Normal Attacks deal 120% of his Attack Rating as additional wind damage…”
- This displays as a separate hit and crits independently. It is affected by vulnerability.
Sonja S2:
- “When Sonja is not in a state of Glimmering Brilliance, she does not use Normal Attacks, but instead periodically recovers Energy.”
- When her skills are on cooldown, she sips from her cup, which occurs roughly every 2s for +150 energy.
Brutus Ult:
- “Brutus hacks at his enemies twice before spinning into a frenzy, dealing damage…”
- There is no actual description of the damage dealt. He starts with 2 hits of 100% followed by 9 hits of approximately 45%.
Brutus S2:
- “Physical Damage received by enemies is increased by up to 50% and attacks cannot be dodged.”
- This debuff lasts 12s and can stack additively.
Brutus S4:
- “When Brutus is dealt a fatal blow he is able to retain 1 health point…”
- This doesn’t happen. Instead, when Brutus is dealt a fatal blow, he ignores the fatal blow and activates the immunity, so there’s much less synergy with S3.
Khasos Ult:
- “…any enemies that are struck more than once shall only suffer 45% damage after the initial strike.”
- This deals 45% of the original strike, or 260%x0.45.
Khasos S4:
- “Increases life-leech attributes of all allies by 18 points.”
- This effect lasts the entire battle even if Khasos is killed.
Vurk 9F:
- “Prolongs the duration of time an enemy is poisoned for by 1 seconds when Vurk uses a Normal Attack or his “Mania” ability.”
- This can stack infinitely.
Skreg Ult:
- “Skreg’s iron-jaw steed cannot be knocked backwards.“
- Skreg is actually passively immune to all repositioning. When actively used, while in motion, Skreg’s damage or attack, unclear which, gets a further 10% multiplicative boost that disappears when he stops moving even though the Ult is still in progress.
Skreg S2:
- “…dealing a small amount of damage to them.”
- This small hit is worth roughly 50%.
Skreg 3F/9F:
- “All allied heroes within the enemy half of the battlefield have their Attack Ratings increased by 20%, receive 25% less damage from enemy attacks, and recover 100 Energy points after every 3 seconds.“
- All of these effects end when Skreg dies.
Warek Ult:
- “Warek unleashes a multi-strike attack … dealing 80% damage to them. Damage received is reduced by 80% when using this ability.”
- This ability hits 7 times for 80% damage, followed by an 8th hit of 180%. The DR appears to be additive, so with gear, Warek becomes physically immune.
Warek S2:
- “Thrown enemy receives 80% more damage for 10 seconds.”
- This can stack additively. The vulnerability debuff still takes effect even if the enemy is immune to repositioning.
Warek S3:
- “Shield’s damage mitigation effect is strengthened by 350%.”
- This should say “strengthened to 350%”.
Warek S4:
- “… allowing him to raise his attack by 4%. This ability can be stacked up to 12 times. Warek regenerates Energy over time once ability is fully stacked and his Life Leech attributes are greatly increased.”
- This stacks additively. Once maxed, he restores an additional 60 energy/s and his LL is increased by 30.
Warek +30:
- “Stacks Warek’s “Carnal Rage” buff effects once every 2 seconds. Once the effects can no longer be stacked, his Attack Rating will be increased by an additional 0.7% per second.”
- The 0.7% increase stacks additively and applies multiplicatively to the result of S4.
Antandra Ult:
- “Antandra unleashes a multi-stage attack that deals 50% damage with each hit…”
- She does 50% 10 times before the final hit of 250%.
Safi Ult:
- “Depending on how long Safiya focuses her energy, the orb can deal from 100% damage up to 660% damage…”
- If this is interrupted or if Safi is killed, the orb is released and will deal whatever it had charged up to when interrupted. For obvious reasons, this is unlikely to benefit from Dura’s Sorcery S1.
Safi S2:
- “After impacting the first enemy target, the projectile splits into 3 small and weaker projectiles that target other nearby enemies.”
- The smaller projectiles deal 70% of the original projectile’s damage, or 210%x0.7.
Satrana Ult:
- “Satrana’s attack deals 80% damage multiple times to the enemy, with the final attack dealing 240% explosive damage to the target.”
- She deals 80% 4 times.
Satrana S3:
- “While the fireseeds are on the enemy, the enemy loses 1% of their max health per second. Once the enemy target’s health falls below 25%, the fireseeds explode, causing 330% AoE damage.”
- This ability is capped at 30% of Satrana’s attack. When this ability is used against a boss, one instance of % max HP damage is dealt, and then the fireseed explodes instantly. At e30, S3 deals 1.5% Max HP capped at 45% attack. This is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not by Warek S2. It cannot crit.
Satrana +30:
- “When Satrana’s health falls below 35% for the first time, the next time she uses her “Firedance” ability will not require her to use any Energy points.”
- When the threshold is met, Satrana instantly casts her Ult, consuming 0 energy.
Drez Ult:
- “Drez instantly moves to the weakest enemy … Normal Melee Attacks become stronger…”
- The weakest enemy is defined by HP%, and if all are equal, defaults to position 1. While Ult is active, normal attacks operate on a cycle: 138% twice, then 185%, finishing with 170% before the cycle starts again.
Drez S2:
- “Drez spins in a full circle, dealing 250% damage to nearby enemies, reducing their Defense Rating by 70% for 8 seconds.”
- This skill cannot be cast unless in melee range. Drez casts Ranged autos, so a unit must walk towards him or he must ult before S2 can be cast.
Skriath +0:
- “… dealing 50% AoE damage to them and any nearby enemies. This ability is unable to deal critical damage itself…”
- This ability actually can crit but it will not trigger an infinite loop.
Skriath +30:
- “During a “Sandstorm”, all enemies are dealt 2% of their current health value per second as damage, ignoring all enemy Defense Ratings. Maximum damage cannot exceed 50% of Skriath’s Attack Rating.”
- This damage can crit and is affected by DR. Damage buffs apply including Dura’s Might S1, but Warek S2 and MP don’t.
Anoki Ult:
- “Enemies standing in the Iron-jaws’ way are dealt 50% damage and are carried backwards… suffer 160% damage…”
- If the enemy is immune to repositioning, they only take a single hit of 160% damage.
Anoki S3:
- “Melee heroes receive an extra increase of 150% for all of the preceding attributes.”
- This acts as a 2.5x multiplier, ie, melee allies in range get 25 DR.
Anoki +0/10/30:
- “This ability raises Anoki’s Attack Rating by 4/8/12% for every non-summoned ally that is standing near him…”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively.
Kren +0:
- “Enhanced Normal Attacks deal an additional 40% damage to enemies.”
- This actually applies multiplicatively, so during Ult, it’s 220%x1.4=308%.
Thali S4:
- “Thali casts a spell to sacrifice 35% of her current health…”
- This is True Life Loss.
Granit +0:
- “If there are still surviving allied heroes on the battlefield, Granit will additionally trigger the ability “Sand Vortex” upon his death.”
- Even if there are 4 surviving allies after Granit dies, Sand Vortex only triggers once.
Alaro S2:
- “For the following 85 seconds, allied heroes gain an additional 16 Energy points when dealing damage to enemies who have already had their intelligence stolen.”
- This is grossly mistranslated – for 16 seconds, each time an ally attacks an enemy that had their intelligence stolen, that ally gains 85 energy.
Anasta S3:
- “… during which time her skills deal additional damage equal to 6% of the enemy’s max health, but will not exceed 300% of Anasta’s Attack Rating.”
- The additional damage buffs both her skills and her autos. Both crit together or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability.
Anasta S4:
- “Anasta gains 3 stacks of Brawler’s Protection, reducing the amount of damage she receives by 16% per stack…”
- This stacks additively.
Aw!Brutus S2:
- “Brutus strikes enemies in front of him multiple times… 250% attack of damage. Every 1% Defense Brutus has over the enemy he hits increases this damage by 3%, up to 500%.”
- This skill hits 3 times and the damage increase is multiplicative, or 250%x6=1500%.
Aw!Brutus S5:
- “When a shield is generated on the battlefield, by using the Earth Emblem, the “Mountain Breaker” absorbs the Power of Earth to absorb an amount of energy equal to 35% of the shield’s value which has a cumulative upper limit equal to 30% of Brutus’ max health. When active damage is dealt, the target loses additional health equal to the amount of energy currently absorbed… If the absorbed energy reaches its limit, it will be reset and reaccumulated once the Ultimate skill has ended, and the value of energy that is later absorbed from shields is additionally increased by 15%.”
- The additional damage triggers every time Aw!Brutus deals damage, and it is not affected by vulnerability or Def. Each time the cap is reached, the following Ult will remove all of the energy that was accumulated, and the 15% increase is additive (35% of shield value to 50%). The energy accumulated by this skill has no relation to energy needed to cast Ultimates. Enemy shields don’t count.
Nemora Ult:
- “Nemora calls upon the forces of nature to heal all of her teammates health by 30% of her own max health. Increases the Defense Rating of allies by 15%.”
- The heal actually heals 7% of her Max HP 4x for a total of 28%, which also holds true when Pippa copies this ability. The Def buff lasts 8s and can’t stack.
Nemora S3:
- “Nemora is able to increase the healing efficiency of herself and all teammates by 15%.”
- This bonus acts as HR but only applies to herself.
Nemora +10:
- “Healing effect is raised by 75% if a critical strike occurs when using a Normal Attack.”
- This applies multiplicatively (60%x1.75).
Lyca +20:
- “Raises the damage dealt to the enemy target by 0.2% for every point of Accuracy an ally has which exceeds the Dodge Rating of their target. Damage can be increased to a maximum of 20%.”
- This effect ends when she dies.
Tasi S2:
- “Tasi summons a magical fairy which lasts for 13 seconds and periodically attacks enemies or heals teammates.“
- The fairy hits/heals 21 times and doesn’t seem to be affected by Haste. It can crit but its crit rate appears to be independent of Tasi’s. It cannot heal Tasi.
Tasi S3:
- “Tasi banishes the most powerful enemy target for 6 seconds. Steals 40% of the target’s Attack Rating while they are banished.”
- The target stays banished for the full duration even if Tasi is killed prematurely. If there is only one enemy on the field, this ability won’t activate. The atk steal appears to be uncapped.
Tasi S4:
- “After suffering damage, Tasi extricates herself from any control abilities that are affecting her and teleports behind a random enemy target.”
- Tasi doesn’t actually suffer damage when this ability triggers – the damage that triggers this ability is completely ignored.
Tasi SI:
- “Reduces the Attack Rating of nearby enemies by 10/20/30% after Tasi uses her “Teleportation” ability.”
- This ability lasts 3s. With 3F, it can stack multiplicatively.
Ulmus S3:
- Ulmus casts a shield around his weakest teammate, mitigating up to 220% of the damage they receive.
- This lasts 7s.
Ulmus +0/+10:
- “Ulmus’ own health recovery effects are increased by 10/20%.”
- This doesn’t act as RH, but as HR.
Ulmus 9F:
- “The value of the shield granted by “Forest’s Oath” is increased by 100%.”
- This acts as a 2x multiplier, or 220%x2.
Seirus Ult:
- “Seirus sends several large waves surging towards his enemies, dealing 80% damage per wave.”
- He sends 6 waves.
Eironn Ult:
- “Eironn then summons an ice tornado…”
- This tornado is considered a living entity and the battle will not end until the tornado also leaves the field. Each damage tick after the initial strike is worth roughly 20% dmg and doesn’t benefit from his 9F but does benefit from PP, which sort of implies it doesn’t benefit from 3F, either. It’s very complicated.
Eironn S2:
- “The wind blade also inflicts additional damage equal to 15% of the enemy target’s current health.”
- The additional damage is capped at 250% attack and displays as a combined hit. Both crit together or not at all. This is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not by Warek S2.
Eironn 3F:
- “The ability “Sylvan Oath” has a 100% chance to be triggered when Eironn’s health is above 60%.”
- If this ability triggers, it appears to nullify Eironn’s PP. I’m unsure why.
Gorvo +0/+10:
- “Increases the efficacy of all shields cast upon himself by 25/50%.”
- This appears to count any shield he receives from any source, including Waistband. The bonus 25/50% actually appears as a second shield. If Haelus is also on the team, Gorvo gets a shield buffed by Haelus S4, then the second smaller shield gets buffed a second time by Haelus.
- For example, Gorvo gets a 1000 HP shield. With his +10, he gets a second shield worth 500 HP. If Haelus is on the team, Gorvo instead gets a 1300 HP shield, and with his +10, he gets a second shield worth 845 HP.
Lorsan Ult:
- “… dealing AoE damage multiple times to its surrounding enemies. Once reaching its maximum size, the tempest will explode, dealing 250% damage…”
- This hits twice for 100% dmg, then twice for 137.5%, then twice forf 175%, before exploding for 625% (2.5x from S2), meaning only the final hit gets buffed by his S2.
Lorsan S2:
- “The symbol allows for the Ultimate ability damage of all allied heroes to be raised by 250% against marked enemies for 4 seconds when an Ultimate ability is used.”
- This is mistranslated. It only applies a multiplier of 2.5x as opposed to increasing by 250% which implies a 3.5x multiplier. This won’t create an infinite loop.
Lorsan S4:
- “Casts a shield upon 2 random allies… equal to 300% of Lorsan’s own Attack Rating.]If the ally being protected is a Wilder hero, the shield’s value will be increased a further 20%.”
- The 20% applies multiplicatively.
Saurus Ult:
- “… creates a phased, ephemeral version of Saurus…”
- Multiple phase forms can be present at once.
Saurus S3:
- “Each attack deals additional damage that is equal to 6% of the target’s current health.”
- The additional damage is capped at 180% attack and displays as a combined hit. Both crit together or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability.
Pippa S4:
- “Pippa teleports the closest enemy target onto the head of the next closest enemy…”
- If cast against an enemy immune to repositioning, no damage is dealt.
Pippa 9F:
- “… her Attack Rating is also permanently increased by 10% each time.”
- This stacks additively.
Respen Ult:
- “… dealing 250% damage to them, also stunning them for 3 seconds. All Wind Swallows manifested by Respen currently on the battlefield will then respectively deal an additional 150% damage to the enemy.”
- The first hit seems to deal just 150%, not 250%.
Respen +0/10/20:
- “… his Attack Rating is increased by 9/12/15%… Ability can be stacked 4 times.”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively.
Raku Ult:
- “The attack also deals additional damage worth 65% of the health which the target has already lost, and stuns them for 4 seconds. Value of the additional damage cannot exceed 900% of Raku’s Attack Rating.”
- The additional damage displays as a separate hit and they crit independently. This is affected by vulnerability.
Raku S4:
- “Whenever an enemy target is under the effects of a control ability, Raku will additionally target them with his Normal Attack over the next 4 seconds. Damage dealt to any enemies under the effects of a control ability is increased by 45%.”
- This is a vulnerability debuff, not a buff to Raku’s damage alone. This ability allows Raku to double-tap the unit he would normally have hit with his Auto.
Raku +30:
- “Normal Attacks deal additional damage equal to 15% of the target’s current health, but cannot exceed 650% of Raku’s Attack Rating.”
- The additional damage displays as a separate hit and they crit separately. This is affected by vulnerability and PP.
Mishka S2:
- “The additional damage Mishka deals to enemies marked with a Feral Bite is increased to equal 10% of their current health, but shall not exceed 600% of Mishka’s Attack Rating value.”
- The additional damage displays as a combined hit. Strangely enough, the additional % portion cannot crit but the other portion can. The combined hit is affected by vulnerability.
Mishka +30:
- “Each enemy that is knocked into the air by Mishka’s Ultimate ability increases the percentage of Damage Reduction by an additional 10%. Additional Damage Reduction can be increased to a maximum of 40%.”
- This stacks additively on the +0 effect, totalling 70% DR.
Astar Ult:
- “While flying on her lantern, Astar releases healing sparks that heal any allies within range for a value equal to 180% of her Attack Rating every 0.5 seconds.”
- This ability lasts roughly 6s for a total of 12 hits/heals. She gets no energy during that time, except possibly from kills.
Astar S4:
- “Astar continuously waves her lantern in the air, during which time her allies receive 40% less damage…”
- She waves her lantern for about 4s.
Astar +30:
- “Each of the Ultimate ability “Life Sparks” attacks is increased by 25% damage every time an enemy receives damage from it. Burning damage is not affected.”
- This stacks additively, applies multiplicatively, and resets after the Ult ends.
Oku Ult:
- “…dealing damage equal to 400% of his Attack Rating to the enemy, also stunning them for 5 seconds. When used against an enemy that has a shield, or who is immune to Control Effects, the damage is increased by 100%…”
- This applies multiplicatively.
Oku S3:
- “Oku uses his beetle companion to initiate multiple attacks…”
- This hits 3 times.
Grez Ult:
- “The undead skeletal warrior’s level is equal to Grezhul’s current level and gradually loses health over time.”
- This skeleton and those summoned by SI have their health naturally decay over 25s unless healed or damaged.
Grez S2:
- “While stealing the enemy’s power, Grezhul’s Attack Rating is increased by a value equal to 75% of the enemy’s Attack Rating.”
- The copied attack is capped at 1500% of Grez’s Atk. None of Grez’s skeletons get this buff.
Grez S3:
- “Grezhul forms a shield around the furthest forward ally… If the shield is broken it will cause 200% damage to nearby enemy targets.”
- This lasts roughly 8s. The explosion damage can crit.
Grez +0:
- “Summons 1 skeletal warrior every 9 seconds behind the enemy closest to the edge of the battlefield while Grezhul is alive.”
- This still works while Grez is controlled.
Grez 3F:
- “Value of Grezhul’s “Shadow Shield” is increased by 150%.”
- This acts as a 2.5x multiplier.
Shem Ult:
- At level 1, there is no description of how much damage Shem’s Ult does. By both extrapolation and testing, it deals 70%/tick. Unlike weather effects, a subsequent cast will not override a previous cast so these can stack.
Shem S2:
- “… deals 60% damage every 0.5 seconds and gradually increases over time.”
- This hits 6 times. The initial hit deals 46% damage, followed by 3% more applied multiplicatively (0.46×1.03), then 6% more (0.46×1.06), etc.
Thoran Ult:
- “While in a focused state, Thoran is immune to control abilities and receives less damage.”
- He gains 60 DR while focusing.
Thoran S4:
- “At the start of battle Thoran deals 100% damage to the enemy with the least amount of health, also cursing them.”
- The initial damage doesn’t seem to be dodgeable using the dodge stat, but can be dodged with some interactions like a Kelthur swap. If the initial damage is blocked by a non-Ainz S4 shield, the curse does not take effect. The initial damage can kill but the curse portion is True Life Loss.
Isa Ult:
- “Isabella casts a spell that launches up to 8 arcane orbs. Each orb cast increases the damage of the following orb by 20%.”
- It takes about 4s to cast all of these. With 27 Haste, 5 of the 8 get the Dura’s Sorcery S1 bonus. The bonus stacks additively and applies multiplicatively (250%, 300%, 350%, etc).
Isa S2:
- “Damage is raised by 15% for each successful cast.”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively (1.15x, 1.3x, 1.45x). With a base of 190%, that means 190% first cast, 218.5% second, 247% third, 275.5% from then on or until interrupted.
Isa S3:
- “Isabella continuously casts a spell, stealing 75 Energy every 0.5 seconds from the nearest enemy hero.”
- This skill’s duration is roughly 2s – ergo, she can steal 300 Energy per target per cast. This skill does no damage.
Isa +0/+30:
- “Each time the ability “Void Barrage” has been successfully cast 3 times it will release 2/3 bolts of lightning that will each target different enemies.”
- After the third cast of Void Barrage, every following cast will be multitarget. If there is only one enemy, they will only be hit once.
Nara S2:
- “… attack the enemy multiple times, inflicting 35% damage per attack to the enemy. Fifth attack deals additional damage equal to 35% of the target’s current health.”
- This hits 9 times. The additional damage is capped at 420% for a total combined hit of 455% damage. Both crit together (ie 910%) or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability.
Fera Ult:
- “All enemies that are haunted by an evil spirit receive an additional 25% damage per spirit.”
- This stacks additively and applies additively. Spirits are capped at 3 per target at once so 220% → 295%.
Fera S4:
- “Summons an evil spirit from any fallen heroes’ corpse that then haunts an enemy for 10 seconds. Any spirits which are summoned due to one of Ferael’s abilities will remain on the battlefield for 5 seconds.”
- This should say additional 5s. Both parts of this ability still work when Fera is dead.
Baden Ult:
- “Baden summons two shadow phantoms…”
- Up to four of these larger phantoms can be on the field at a time, but smaller phantoms are counted separately – I’ve gotten 5 at once.
Baden S3:
- “When Baden or his phantom use this skill, damage dealt to enemies will be increased by 10% for 7 seconds. This ability can be stacked up to 5 times.”
- This stacks additively.
Baden S4:
- “Baden’s Attack Rating is increased by 5% for every phantom on the battlefield, Baden is also able to mitigate 20% damage for every phantom on the battlefield.”
- Each stacks additively – I’ve gotten up to +45% Attack and with 5 phantoms Baden can become totally immune to damage.
Kelthur Ult:
- “Kelthur targets the enemy that is farthest away from himself with his shuriken which deals 65% damage to all enemies standing in its path.”
- If used against one enemy, this hits 8 times before the final hit.
Kelthur S3:
- “Damage received by enemy is increased by 50% for 10 seconds.”
- This vulnerability applies even if the enemy isn’t swapped.
Kelthur +0/10/20:
- “When any non-summoned allies which are within 20 levels of Kelthur’s own level are defeated, Kelthur’s Attack Rating will be increased by 20/28/36%.”
- This stacks additively.
Silas S4:
- “Silas creates a gas cloud that is capable of moving slowly around the battlefield.”
- Four of these can be on the field at once.
Silas +0:
- “Each time an ally loses 1% of their max health, their Health Recovery Rate increases by 0.8%, which may be increased up until it reaches a total value of 48%.”
- This doesn’t count aggregate lost HP, only currently missing.
Silas +0/+10/+20:
- “Each time an enemy loses 1% of their max health, their Health Recovery Rate of enemies is decreased by 1% until it reaches 36%/48%/60%.”
- The debuff seems to cap at 27/36/45%.
Silas +30:
- “Allied heroes that have more than 50% of their max health receive an Attack Rating increase of 20%.”
- This buff ends 5s after Silas dies.
Silas e60:
- “Allies within the gas cloud’s radius receive 10% less damage from enemies.”
- This is not stackable.
Oden Ult:
- “Additional damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 1.5% for every 1% of Energy the enemy target has.”
- This stacks additively and applies multiplicatively (160%, then 162.4%, then 164.8%…)
Oden S3:
- “Oden opens up a portal to the void that sucks in the enemy with the highest percentage of health. The targeted enemy is then thrown out of the portal and onto the weakest enemy target, resulting in 180% AoE damage being dealt to the affected targets.”
- If cast against an enemy immune to repositioning, no damage is dealt.
Oden S4:
- “Oden’s Attack Rating is increased by 15%…”
- This stacks additively.
Oden +30:
- “Each time the ability “Eye of Evil” reaches 200 Fiend Points, Oden’s Attack Rating is raised by 5%…”
- This stacks additively upon itself and multiplicatively with Oden S4.
Oden 9F:
- “While alive, Oden passively uses the ability “Void Lightning” every 8 seconds to attack the enemy with the current highest Energy.”
- This cooldown is affected by Haste.
Izold Ult:
- “Effects are increased to 18 seconds.”
- This cannot stack. Most likely the duration refreshes.
Izold S2:
- “When Izold’s health is greater than 30% he will use his Noxious Gas ability, dealing damage equal to 3% of his own health as damage to nearby enemies. Noxious Gas also causes Izold to receive damage equal to 1% of his own health as damage.”
- This occurs roughly every second and scales off of Max HP, not current. The HP he loses seems to be True Life Loss. The damage dealt to enemies can crit and is affected by Def/DR.
Izold S3:
- “Izold charges into a single enemy target…”
- The charge deals 150% damage.
Izold +20:
- “The damage Izold receives is reduced by 50% for 15 seconds when any enemies are slain while Izold is using his “Toxic Transfusion” ability.”
- This stacks multiplicatively. Summons count, including Skreg S3.
Izold 3F:
- “Izold’s Attack Rating is increased by 1% and his attack frequency increased by 1% until the end of the battle every time he loses 3% of his max health.”
- As best I can tell, he actually gains 3% atk per 3% health lost. This stacks additively.
Torne Ult:
- “If an enemy moves positions within these 0.25 seconds, they will subsequently lose 3% of their max health.”
- This is capped but I’ve yet to figure out the cap. This can’t crit and ignores DR/Def.
Torne S3:
- “… the final attack leeching 25% health from the final enemy… Torne regrows his bone whip after using this ability.”
- The leech deals a separate 430% damage that can’t crit. It is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not by Warek S2. The amount healed is affected by RH. This is actually the only skill that breaks the bone whip and does not regrow it.
Torne +20:
- “Every time Torne forms a bone whip, his Attack Rating is increased by 20%… This ability can be stacked 6 times.”
- This stacks additively.
Daimon Ult:
- “While Daimon is using his shield, he will suffer 35% of the damage received by his allies, but will not die as a result.”
- This skill is confusing. It firstly provides 35 multiplicative DR to allies, meaning allies get hit for 65% of what they would have taken. Then Daimon takes an additional 35% of the 65% that the ally took.
Daimon S2:
- “Daimon steals 26% health from the enemy with the highest maximum health and converts it into a shield that lasts for 5 seconds… Once the shield has expired, its remaining shield value will be returned to the enemy as health.”
- This is True Life Loss capped at 690% attack. Unlike most shields, this cannot be removed by Fawkes. The returned health is affected by RH modifiers.
Daimon +20:
- “After using the ability “Blood Shield”, while the shield is still in use, Daimon temporarily gains 40% of the enemy target’s Attack Rating and 60% of their Defense Rating. This ability cannot be stacked.”
- This appears to be uncapped. It can’t stack from the same enemy but can stack from multiple different enemies.
Daimon 3F:
- “Enemies that have already dealt damage to Daimon receive 40% increased damage for 3 seconds. This ability cannot be stacked.”
- This ability is not triggered by the shared damage from Ult.
Daimon e60:
- “Daimon deals additional damage equal to 10% of his shield’s value to the enemy. Additional damage cannot exceed 300% of Daimon’s own Attack Rating.”
- This extra damage only applies to Daimon’s S4. Both crit together or not at all. This is affected by vulnerability. All shield sources count toward this ability.
Theo S3:
- “If an enemy is already cursed, the curse is removed and Theowyn instead deals damage equal to 15% of the enemy’s max health, ignoring all of their defense. Damage dealt cannot exceed 600% of Theowyn’s Attack Rating.”
- This displays as a separate hit and can crit. It is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not Warek S2.
Hodgkin S3:
- “If an enemy within range has had their soul siphoned, the flag shall be strengthened, with its duration being extended to 3 seconds.”
- This should say “extended by 3 seconds”. The time can be extended multiple times, even against a single enemy.
Hodgkin S4:
- “The amount of damage dealt is determined by the duration of time Hodgkin blocks damage for, but shall not exceed 550% of Hodgkin’s own Attack Rating.”
- This damage cannot crit. It is buffed by Dura’s Might S1 but not by Warek S2.
Hodgkin +30:
- “Each time an enemy has their soul siphoned, the damage Hodgkin deals to that enemy is permanently increased by 20%. This effect can be stacked against every enemy a maximum of 3 times.”
- This stacks additively and affects S4.
Hodgkin e60:
- “Blocking time is ignored, Hodgkin shall always deal damage equal to 20% of the target’s max health.”
- This should say “blocking time is ignored for the damage calculation”.
Kalene e60:
- “Allied heroes deal 50% more damage to the tortured enemy.”
- The vulnerability debuff only applies during the active cast of this skill.
Ezio Ult:
- “If a target’s health falls below the designated ‘Execution Threshold’ of 27% of their max health, Ezio will swiftly execute them.”
- This is True Life Loss that can kill.
PoP Ult:
- “Whenever Prince suffers fatal damage, “Recall” is triggered, and Prince uses 200 Energy to revert his health and position to as they were 8 seconds prior.”
- Triggering “Recall” also sets back the timer on Ainz S3 by 2s. I don’t know why.
PoP S3:
- “Damage dealt is equal to 15% of enemies’ max health, but cannot exceed 350% of Prince’s Attack Rating.”
- This can crit and is affected by vulnerability.
Prince +0/10/20/30:
- “…once the actions have finished, Prince’s Attack Rating will be increased by 20/25/30% for 3/4/6 seconds.”
- This can stack multiplicatively.
Albedo +30:
- “During battle, the Attack Rating of all Dimensional heroes are increased by 15% for every Dimensional hero that is in the allied formation. The effects of this ability can be stacked up to 3 times.”
- This effect stacks additively and lasts the entire battle even if Albedo is killed.
Albedo 3F:
- “Albedo enters a rage which lasts 10 seconds whenever Ainz Ooal Gown dies or whenever the first ally (except Ainz) on her team dies.”
- This ability can trigger twice only if Ainz is one of Bedo’s allies. If the ability triggers twice, the timer refreshes instead of stacking.
Ainz S3:
- “After 24 seconds of battle, all enemies lose 50% of their current health…”
- This is True Life Loss capped at 1600% attack and can even affect an enemy Flora in the air.
Ainz S4:
- “… gaining 70 Energy points and a permanent +6% Attack Rating and +10% Defense Rating attribute increase per second.”
- This stacks additively.
Ainz +30:
- “The Ultimate ability “Fallen Down” deals an extra 30% damage.”
- This applies multiplicatively, or 580%x1.3.
Ainz 3F:
- “Every 8 seconds during battle, the damage and debuff duration of the “Magic Caster” ability are increased by 200%.”
- This ability is poorly translated. The damage is simply doubled. The duration is most likely doubled as well but that’s harder to confirm.
Merlin Ult:
- “While Merlin’s premonition is still occurring, if an enemy that is symmetrically positioned uses their Ultimate ability, all allied heroes will receive a runic shield that has a value equal to 180% of their own max health, which exists for 5 seconds.”
- Each premonition can only react to one Ult.
Merlin S2:
- “30% of all damage dealt to this injured ally during the healing period is borne by Merlin.”
- This skill is confusing. It firstly provides 30 multiplicative DR to an ally, meaning the ally gets hit for 70% of what they would have taken. Then Merlin takes an additional 30% of the 70% damage that the ally took.
Merlin +0/10/20:
- “While the ability “Magical Amelioration” is in effect, 10/20/30% of the damage dealt by the protected allied target is converted into health for both Merlin and the allied target.”
- For some reason, vulnerability and PP don’t factor into the LL given by this skill, only the base damage does.
Joker +0:
- “… the AoE range of his Normal Attacks is increased for 7 seconds, during which time he deals 20% additional damage.”
- This is actually multiplicative, or 130%x1.2.
- “Leonardo splashes paint on an additional enemy target.”
- If used against a single enemy, he will damage that enemy twice. It is unclear if the debuffs end up stacking.
- “Leonardo creates a cannon which he uses to deal 350% damage to all enemies within the cannon’s scope.”
- If no enemies are within range, this skill will not be cast. Wrizz spawns closer to the top of the field, so if LDV is in positions 2 or 5, he will not use this skill on Wrizz.
LDV +0/10/20:
- “Enemies are dealt more damage from Leonardo’s cannon the farther away they are from it. Damage dealt can be raised up to 30/50/80%.”
- The bonus applies multiplicatively and actually peaks higher than stated, with the +20 cresting 95% extra damage.
- “Each time Leonardo receives close-range damage that is more than 10% of his max health…”
- Like with Brutus and Tasi, when this ability triggers, the damage that triggered it is completely ignored.
LDV +30:
- “When Leonardo triggers “Evacuation” as a result of receiving damage, the damage he receives shall not exceed 10% of his max health.”
- When LDV’s S4 triggers, the damage he would have received is already reduced to 0, so the +30 effect is useless.
- “Enemies that are struck by the ability “Work of Art” will receive 45% more damage for the following 8 seconds.”
- This vulnerability debuff still applies if the enemy is immune to control.
Melusina S2:
- “The value of the additional damage cannot exceed 200% of Melusina’s own Attack Rating.”
- This can’t crit. It is affected by Dura’s Might S1 but not Warek S2.
Angelo S3:
- “If the note hits an enemy, they will receive damage, but if it hits an ally, they will be healed for a certain amount.”
- When hitting an ally, the heal is worth 62% of his attack. Hitting an enemy deals the standard 100%.
Mirael S3:
- ““Flame Shield” causes damage over time to nearby enemies.”
- Best I can tell, this doesn’t actually do any damage.
Ankhira S2:
- “Ankhira spits corrosive venom onto her target’s armor, dealing 160% damage to them.”
- This hits twice for 160% each.
Ankhira S3:
- It’s not mentioned anywhere but this skill deals 180% damage.
Golus Ult:
- “Enemy target is knocked backwards and any enemies in Golus’ way suffer damage.”
- 200% damage is dealt, and the original target can also be hit by this for a total 450%.
- All of his abilities sacrifice a portion of his health, all of which are True Life Loss.
Ira Ult:
- “Ira unleashes a hail of 20 arrows at multiple enemies. Each arrow deals 80% damage.”
- Each arrow only deals 72%(?).
Ira S3:
- “…reducing health regeneration. This ability can be stacked up to 8 times.”
- Each stack reduces RH by 12%, stacking additively.
Silvina Ult:
- “… dealing 110% damage to them.”
- This actually hits four times.
Silvina S3:
- “Silvina will strike at the enemy mage that possesses the lowest defense rating…”
- This strikes at the enemy INT hero with the lowest DEF.
Vedan Ult:
- “…will deal 75% damage every 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies.”
- This only deals 64%(?) dmg per hit.
Vedan S2:
- “Vedan attacks a target in front of him dealing 65% damage to them.”
- This hits 6 times, dealing 52% dmg each.
Vedan S3:
- “Vedan blesses an ally, buffing their Life Leech attributes for 8 seconds. Vedan is healed for 50% of his ally’s health that is regenerated from Life Leech.”
- He grants 30 LL and can buff himself. Even if the buffed ally has another source of LL, only 15 is additionally given to Vedan. If cast on himself, he gets the flat 30, not 45.
Ulric S2:
- “… reduces the damage he receives.”
- He gains 50 DR.
Random Tidbits
Weather Effects
As of writing this, four skills can create weather effects on the entire battlefield – Khazard Ult, Skriath S3, Solise Ult, and the Ice Shemira boss’ Blizzard. Only one effect can be present on the field at a time – if a new one is cast, it will override the previous one, no matter which side cast it. The current effect can be seen in the top left of the screen if it’s an ally cast or the top right if an enemy cast, right by the formation bonus icon. Weather effects have also been relevant in previous Abyssal Expedition bosses.
Ranged vs Melee
This distinction often doesn’t matter. The only times it really matters are Silas Furn and that one ToG, Howling Wastes. Therefore, that ToG was a great place to test who benefits from Silas 9F that aren’t so obvious. My results:
- Daimon, Zaph, Talene, and Drez are all considered “Ranged”, even if they sometimes seem to attack at melee range. Those are the ones people often brought up as worth digging into.
- This implies Ranged/Melee is not an intrinsic characteristic determined by attack range of each individual skill, but by an intrinsic characteristic of each hero.
- I was not able to figure out Ulmus after Ult, but before Ult he’s classified as melee. Granted, nobody uses Ulmus, so did I waste my time? Probably.
Trial Heroes
The top 5 power/combat rating heroes in your roster play a big role in determining how good your trial heroes are. Your top 5 can be found by visiting any tower leaderboard, then tapping your portrait. The 5 heroes seen there are your top 5. You can adjust your trial hero in real time by modifying who appears in your top 5 and what investments they have.
- Ascension of the trial hero is the avg ascension of your top 5 heroes, rounded up, which works perfectly unless you have a dim and/or their link in your top 5. This is likely due to the fact that dims copy the ascension of another hero and there’s some code preventing double-dipping, as it were. It only results in the prediction being at most 1* off.
- Sig of the trial hero is avg of your top 5 heroes’ sigs, rounded down
- Furn of the trial hero is avg of the 3 highest furn counts amongst your top 5 heroes, rounded down to 9/3/0, even if those heroes are wearing someone else’s mythic furn (messy, I know)
- Engraves of the trial hero are the average of your best 5 engraves regardless of power, rounded down to a multiple of 5
Merc Gear
The gear on your mercs is a function of your gear, not the lender’s. Generally, weapons get upgraded first, then helm, then chest, and lastly boots. When I say T3 or T4, the same rules apply to both, but only the highest one you own is relevant.
There’s most likely a maximum amount of T3 (or T4) that in any distribution will get you full T3 (or T4) on mercs, but that’s not particularly helpful to most people and I frankly don’t know what value that is, if one even exists, nor do I care. The minimum, however – that I can do.
For both T3 and T4, the minimum necessary is 20 pieces distributed in 5 full sets on any heroes. (For T3, the set can be worn by a hero the gear does not belong to and it still works). This gets you full mercs, which is incredibly important, particularly for Haste, ACC, and DODGE. If you can’t afford 20 pieces, your total number of sets minus one is how many T3 (or T4) merc pieces you get. This assumes you have 0 partial sets on other heroes.
If you do have partial sets, it’s incredibly complicated, but division theory seems to fit the facts – the total number of T3 (or T4) you own, divided by the number of heroes they’re distributed amongst, or something close to that, plays a big role, and can possibly result in you losing a piece you would otherwise have had from set theory. (Thanks kura and Vonte).
Keep in mind merc T3 is just T2 5* gear with faction bonus, but that’s still better than T2 5* merc gear without faction bonus. Merc gear doesn’t get hero-specific bonuses from T3 or T4.
Twins – One or Two?
Twins sometimes count as one hero, sometimes two, and it gets really confusing as to which happens when.
- Atha S4 only considers them one unit.
- If Twins get linked by their S4, only Elijah is affected.
- If Twins are the only allied units on the field, their S4 considers them separate and so links them together.
- If Twins are placed frontline, Alna 9f only affects Elijah. If Lailah dies while Elijah is immune, Elijah dies too.
- Ezizh S4 considers them two heroes (+100 energy), most of the time
- Luc SI considers them two heroes.
- Eluard S4 considers them two heroes.
- Scarlet S3 considers them two heroes.
- Lyca S3 considers them two heroes (+200 energy).
- Raku S4 considers them two heroes.
- Shem S3 only affects Elijah.
- Kelthur SI only counts them once.
- Silas Ult only affects Elijah.
- Dura’s Sustenance S3 only gives Elijah energy.
- They get controlled independently.
“Death State” Shenanigans
I’m defining “not-alive” states as the time when Thoran is reviving and untargetable, when Talene is a fireball and targetable by allies, Kelthur’s ghost, and Merlin’s Owl.
- Talene is never considered to be in a “death” state except in very rare circumstances (if you play her in Lab/ToG/PoT/Rift and lose, she’s dead for the rest of the run). Talene and Kelthur can be the only two enemies remaining, both in their not-alive states, but the battle is not won. If both are the final units in their not-alive states and Talene revives, once she is killed again, the battle ends, regardless of the time left on Kelthur’s ghost.
- If Merlin’s only remaining ally is Thoran, Talene, or Kelthur in their respective not-alive states and Merlin is killed, he never becomes an Owl, dying instantly.
- If Talene, Kelthur, and Flora are the only enemies remaining and Talene and Kelthur are in their not-alive states, Flora becomes grounded.
- If Thoran and Flora are the only enemies remaining, Flora stays up while Thoran is resurrecting.
- If Merlin and Flora are the only enemies remaining and Merlin is killed, he doesn’t become an Owl and Flora becomes grounded.
- On older heroes, a translation that says “a shield mitigating up to X% damage” means the shield can mitigate damage up to X% of their attack.
- Relics in modes like Lab and PoT tend to stack. Relics based on battles won are not retroactive – they start counting from when they were obtained.
- In Trials of God, the Ult limit trial is bugged. The unit casting the third/fifth Ult will begin the cast before it is instantly canceled, unable to be completed. This appears in Fallen Souls, Frosted Expanse, Forest’s Edge, Frozen Ground, The Frozen Hinterland, The Hazy Timberland, Track of the Sands, and The Echoing Valley.
- If multiple Barricades target the same hero in a given lineup, the order they proc in is determined by position order.
- Most summons die when their caster does, but Zaph’s Thundercloud, Haelus’ Obelisk, Alaro’s dummy, Eironn’s tornado, and Silas’ cloud don’t. Eironn’s tornado even lasts after all his allies are gone.
- Orthros Ult can kill Thoran through his Ult.
- Titus S4 is the only shield that doesn’t show a +value when it forms or a -value when it takes damage.
- Zol and Safi are the only two units that you can manually tap to end their ult prematurely.
- Khaz’s serpent can perform its own autos while Khaz is controlled, but not any other skills. (Thanks Fear)
- Lucretia can chase Drez offscreen during his S3.
- Scarlet S3 grants her energy depending on several factors. The most I had her gain in one cast was 3120.
- When Kren uses Verdant Longbow, only the small missiles count towards every 3rd Normal – the big bombs from his SI don’t. (Thanks aimb)
- Lorsan S2 is a mess tbh. When Lorsan Ults, only the final hit gets the 2.5x. When Saurus Ults, his next skill after the Ult gets the 2.5x and the phase form gets no buff. There are likely other oddities, but I’m not insane enough to test every Ult in the game.
- Isabella is the only unit to mention “casting speed” in her skills. I don’t know how this stat relates to Haste or AS.
- If you take Fera off of RC but keep his 9F on, he will not cast autos. S2 is considered his normal so long as he has 9F on, but he hasn’t learned it yet. Like a lvl 1 Titus will, he sits there and gets smacked around until he dies or gains enough energy to Ult. After the Ult, he continues to sit there until… rinse and repeat.
- Fera’s spirits cannot crit. They deal about 70% damage per attack and are affected by Haste. Only three can be haunting any given enemy at once.
- If you remove Oden from RC, his 9F will not take effect because he hasn’t learned S2 yet.
- Oden’s portal is control, so Raku’s mark appears, but if Oden targets Wu who is periodically immune to control, Wu isn’t ported and creates a clone, but somehow the original Wu still has Raku’s mark when he wasn’t controlled.
- Daimon’s companion Stitchy cannot be controlled. Since Stitchy is the one performing the autos, when Daimon is controlled, Stitchy will still attack, so in a sense, Daimon can auto while controlled.
- When paired with Haelus, Daimon’s Blood Shield is worth more HP than was stolen from the enemy. This means, if the Blood Shield doesn’t take much damage before expiring, that the returned health can heal the enemy for more than they originally lost.
- LDV can target summons with S2, so the 3F can actually restore 60 or more energy per second.
- Silvina cannot target Aw!Ezizh with her opener, regardless of his defense value or how many INT units are on his side, unless he’s the only targetable enemy.
Tests to Revisit
- Fawkes Sig?
- Kaz Sig?
- Gorvo Ult?
- Does Grez S4 endure after death, and if so, for how long?
- Oden S3 targeting seems inconsistent.
- Torne Ult cap?
- What does Ezio 3F actually do?
- Melusina S4 cap?
Made by It’s Bob49 (Bob49#4042 on discord), tester and guidemaker from AFK Arena Subreddit
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- AFK Arena
- July 11, 2022