Welcome to the one stop beginners-guide for Immortal Rising! We will be discussing and explaining the basics of the game here with further in depth guides coming soon. Several veteran players have all collaborated in an attempt to provide acurate and helpful information. Lets jump right into the FAQ!
Table of Contents
How to play Immortal Rising on PC?
Playing Immortal Rising on PC have a lot of advantages starting from easier controls and better graphics to easier offline farming (which becomes idle) and automatization.
In order to play Immortal Rising on PC you will need to download LD Player Android Emulator, download the game in the play store there and sync your progress either using Google account or Facebook.
What are Ancient tomes?
Ancient tomes in Immortal Rising are used as upgrading materials in the later stages of the game. Tomes can be crafted in the Crafting menu located in the top right corner of your screen. Ancient tomes are used for leveling up your advanced skills (lvl 21 upgraded) from lvl 21-30 it takes a total of 61 tomes to take an advanced skill from lvl 21 to 30. So no need to worry about these too early on.
What are broken rune pieces for/ how to use?
Broken rune pieces are also used as crafting materials. You need 4x 4 star SS equipment + a broken rune of that equipment type = A random SSS of that same equipment type. An example would be 4x 4 star SS bow + broken rune bow = a random SSS bow. Also used for Hall of equipment later on in the game. You will need quite a lot so getting to floor 50 arsenal is a pretty nice goal.
Where do I spend my gems/ What do I buy first?
So you’re not sure if you should be summoning skills or weapons or pet in Immortal Rising? No worries, you’re not alone. There is debate on what’s better when/why but its pretty universally agreed upon for the most part that there is an “optimum path for progression”
What’s the best way to get Awaken stones/Raid keys?
Awaken stones are the primary progress bottleneck from D rank until SSS rank. For the most part there is a daily cap to how many keys you can obtain. Current ways to obtain raid keys are listed below. 1. Daily purchasable raid keys x2 from general shop. 2. One free raid attempt daily by watching an ad. 3. Guild shop has 5 weekly raid keys available for purchase. (guilds unlock at A Rank) 4. Can obtain from guild dice mini game. (A Rank) 5. Some guide map quests and symbol quests grant raid keys upon completion. (Symbol quest unlocks at A rank) 6. Rune return /black market cycle (I explain the process further down, Recommended ss rank and above)
Awakening Stones per Rank
C >B 27.000
B >A 228.000
A>S 780.000
S> SS 1.872.000
What stats should I be looking for on my charms in Immortal Rising?
Important before answering your question, when crafting a rune make sure to ONLY USE 4 charm select tokens. Why? I’m glad you asked.
4 tokens allows you to create an s tier charm. Giving 4 possible stats. Make sure these 4 stats are all correct for the build your rolling them for (Charm stat recommendations listed below) then when you upgrade it to ss (after leveling it to lvl 50) you will receive a random 5th stat that you’re able to reroll to whatever you like. Now you have a perfect ss charm. Leveling an ss charm to lvl 100 creates an SSS charm. SSS charms gain a 6th stat that enhances the level of one of your skills to a maximum of +3 (this stat can also be rerolled freely to get your desired skill for your build). Doing it this way, effectively saves you 1 full charm select token per charm crafted.
Before crafting or investing into a charm make sure you are selecting the correct stats for your build. Charms are very hard and time-consuming to replace later on. Take care while crafting them to avoid needing to replace them in the future. Below are just general suggestions for high-priority stats. These may be different depending on your build.
Tempest: [ATTACK BASE] with Atk, Crit chance, move speed, Penetration, And either Element skill type of your build/Boss dmg/Crit damage/normal atk damage/Atk speed (depends what your going for as builds scale differently with certain stats.)
Retribution (fire, Ice): [ATTACK BASE] with Atk, Cooldown rate, Crit chance, Element skill damage of your build type (fire skill damage for diabolic retri, Shadow skill damage for shadow retri/fort), and 5th stat should be either Penetration/Boss damage/Skill damage in this order of priority.
Retribution/fortitude (shadow) [HP BASE] with Hp, Damage reduction, Cooldown, Shadow skill damage and either Boss damage/skill damage/crit damage
What are the best awakened stats?
For most builds, Pure Attack (Atk) is the goal. For an Item Find (IF) build, you obviously want full Item Find. Shadow builds that rely on Hp as their main dmg scaling stat will want full HP. I would suggest filling out a full page with full S or SS rank atk, hp, IF etc. at first. Start a new clean tab and reroll all slots (this reduces reroll stones cost per roll) until you get either SS if upgrading from all S or SSS if going from a full SS tab.
What skill should I upgrade first?
I would like to answer your question with a few of my own. Is your weapon maxed out at level 550? How about your amulet (or at least +40)? If the answer was no to either of these you should probably reconsider upgrading a skill at this point and focus on those two things first. However, if the answer is yes then here’s my top picks for first skill to upgrade and why.
1. Firespear (upgraded fireball) This skill has EVERYTHING. Lower enemies damage reduction to deal more damage? yup. Area of Effect (AOE) that clears the screen of trash mobs? uh huh. Well how about a low cool down and the ability to perma stun bosses? Yep, it does that too. There is a special place in my heart for this skill. The second I got it my immortal felt like just that, IMMORTAL.
2. Innervate (upgraded heal) This ability is what most tempest builds and even early game retri builds will want to pick up asap. This skill will allow tempest builds to have enrage and Hermes passive up for a lot longer (with 53% cooldown you have 100% uptime on hermes passive). The atk speed increase helps tempest builds a lot with their early to mid game lack of damage. The primary reason for picking this up first, is to have that extra 20% cool down cap increase. This allows all buffs to be cast more often and really amps up the consistency of your DPS. Pair this with advanced adrenaline rush, Hermes passive and enrage for a huge spike in Damage for your tempest build. Side note: When upgrading an ability to lvl 21 (advanced version) it costs 500A Enhance stones, 100 sss forge stones, 5000 old parchment and 10 rune threads. You have the ability to change between either variant of the upgraded skill. The engrave rune tab will appear between the enhance and extract options. This allows you to swap from advanced fireball to firespear freely

What is the rune cycle?
Rune cycling is the only way to exceed the normal daily amount of raid keys available in Immortal Rising via in game purchases and daily rewards. In short, you want to hit awakening SSS in 1/2 the time? rune cycle is your answer. Lets get into how it works. This stratagy is only really recommended for ss rank+ as you need to have all runes maxxed out first and to do that before ss rank means you will have to spend a lot of rift keys before reaching floor 50+ for maximum rune gain per key
Step 1. To even begin doing the rune cycle strat you will need to have your runes maxed out. After you max out a runes the option “rune exchange” will take any extra runes and convert them into Bloodstones.
Step 2. Use gems to purchase runes from summon.
Step 3. Convert all runes into blood stones and collect your additional bloodstone from extra quests (gained by spending gems)
Step 4. Go to black market and hope you hit either goblin vault Keys, (more gems to spend on runes) Rift dungeon keys (giving you more runes to turn into Bloodstones) or best case scenario, you get some extra raid keys (this is the whole point of rune cycle)
Step 5. repeat Step 2 – 4. Hence the name rune “cycle”.
Pro Tip: It’s recommended you save up your Rift keys until you can maximize the amount of runes received per key (floor 50+ rift provides most runes per key possible) once reaching floor 50+ its safe to use all rift keys as you wish for maximum efficiency.
Why should I save my keys? But, I miss out on the free daily AD raid right?
Lets do a little math and figure out the benefits of Saving keys Vs getting that one extra raid daily. Lets say for this example you get 10k stones per key you use. the 7 free daily raid keys will net you an extra 70k stones for that week. That’s pretty nice right? Well… lets look at the saving keys method. You start saving keys while your current stats only allow you to get 10k stones per key.
Over the week you manage to save up 200 keys and your stats are now high enough to get 12k per key. Now your getting 2k more per key and have 200 saved up thats an extra 400k stones you managed to get by simply saving your keys until you were able to get more stones per key.
So the question now is, would you rather have 70k stones a week extra from the 1 free daily attempt or 400k more weekly from simply waiting to use them? Keep in mind you need roughly 650 keys to go from rank ss to sss awakening. If we apply the same math and say you start ss making 12k per key and over a couple weeks you save up 600 keys and now do 16k per key. you’re making 4k stones per key more x 600 keys is 2.4mil stones more… This is why its best to save your keys until you have reached an acceptable power level to achieve most stones per key as possible. Please just save your keys
What is kpm and how does it work?
KPM stands for “Kills per minute”. You can find your current KPM in game by by pressing the offline battle rewards button. It will say 60 / minute or something similar. The goal here is to put on your Item Find build (with as much Item find you can possibly obtain). Now that you are on your IF build you want to drop down to a stage you can reliably one shot all enemies (including elite enemies). Now the next step is to wait until you have around 1k kills in that stage (don’t change equipment or skills, awakened ability preset etc. during this time as that will reset the games internal timer for updating curent KPM) once you have waited for around 1k kills you can then check your kpm in game. You want to get as close to 200 kpm as possible. (The earliest stage this is possible is stage 301). Now that your game is set to 200 kpm a couple things are now true.
1. You can now close the app and get the highest OFFLINE rewards possible.
2. Daily quick battle now scales with this current 200kpm. Meaning you are getting much greater rewards from each quick battle you do
Is offline or online farming better and by how much?
Online farming in a stage you can consistently get 220+ kpm is by far superior to farming offline. I have some example pictures and to be honest, I think after seeing these you wont need convincing or further explanation on how much better online is vs. offline.
To online farm you simply just select “power saving mode” and let the game run while you sleep, study, etc. (alot of people recommend an emulator such as Nox or Blue stacks for online farming over long periods.) This of course is not required but i feel sharing the differences in the sheer amount of loot you will be gaining/missing out on is worth bringing to your attention. Just be sure to have your IF build equipped and are in a stage you can consistently get 200+ kpm (online can exceed the 200kpm offline cap) Just look at the amount of enhance stones , pet food and amulets that were dropped in both cases. (this was roughly same amount of kills and time with the exact same in game stats/build. only difference is online vs. offline) The reason for this dramatic increase in loot is because, Elite mobs don’t spawn during offline mode. Elite mobs have a higher chance of dropping increased amounts of loot. @Derpius (ProfessorDerp) Was nice enough to do the math so you don’t have to. 5.91x enhance stones, 16.93x food, 1.83x weapons, 1.86x rings, 4.54x amulets (not exact values due to RNG, but close enough to make the point)
What are Elite monsters and where can I find them in Immortal Rising?
Elite mobs only spawn on previously completed stages. You can select “change stage” button and select a previously completed stage indicated with a green check mark under the stage number. By selecting one of these stages you will be able to encounter Elite mobs. Elite mobs drop more loot but have much higher hp than normal monsters. Elite mobs will have a red boss type icon above their heads in game indicationg they are elites.
What’s the deal with Quest board?
The quest board is really nice for getting extra daily capped dungeon keys. Specifically Temple keys and Arena tickets. These two things have a daily cap to how many can be obtained. Quest board is the only way(besides spending ) to increase the amount of daily attempts you can have.
Early on in your progress you may not be able to utilize this mechanic to its fullest efficiency due to lack of gems and other things being higher priority. Eventually you will hit a point where spending up to 80k diamonds is actually a solid investment. The difference between someone who uses this mechanic efficiently vs. a player who just takes random materials and forge stones is pretty significant.
Daily cap of arena tickets after purchasing the 3 from general shop is 8 per day. Honor tokens are used to upgrade your symbol cores (a very high scaling damage multiplying mechanic). so over a week is 8 x 7 = 56. 56 tickets per week capped.
Quest board has 6 possible slots per day lets say you roll on average 3 extra arena tokens per day that’s an additional 21 per week slightly more than 30% more per week.
Over a span of a couple months this really adds up a lot. Applying the same concept to temple keys aka more diamonds reacts the same. So in short, someone who properly utilizes Quest board vs. random picking is gaining roughly a 30% increase in charms progress and symbol level progress .
What is IF/ Farming build?
Item find is a stat that is shortened in game to simply “IF” regularly Item find is a stat in the game that increases drop chance% of various items/materials. The differences between having a good IF build and no IF investment are quite dramatic.
The general idea of having a dedicated IF/Farming build is to maximize the amount of Goblin keys you get daily as well as how many gems you get from each.
Difference in gems per goblin key 239% IF = 10,181 gems 59% IF = 4,721 gems Goblin key drop chance% difference 239% IF = 0.017% 59% IF = 0.0079% IF is also applied while doing Daily quick battles increasing your drop rates Significantly
“What are all the ways of increasing our IF% stat?” Item Find Hall of Elements +20% Wings +5% Titles +11% Runes +25% Summon Weapon&Rings LVL 7 = 20% Equipment options +20%x3 = 60% food Pets: 2x Dryad 15.2% | Nightmare 15.2% | 1x SS Treasure Goblin 13.9% = 44.3% Awakened Abilities 10% x 7 = 70% Total: 255%.
Now that you know what IF is and How to get it the last question is When. Building an IF farming preset should be a priority relatively early. I would say by the time you hit S awakening you will want to be as close to 150 IF% as possible, on a build that’s capable of doing at least stage 301 with 200kpm. This will greatly boost your Gems per day effectively doubling if not tripling your progress.
Now that my skills are max level is there any use for parchments?
I would like to introduce Rune cycles little brother, Parchment diamond cycle
Parchment Cycle Craft all b grade skills (receive 100 Diamonds per 10 skills crafted) Extract all b rank skills you just crafted. (Another 100 Diamonds per 10 skills extracted.) Rinse repeat until out of parchment scrolls. A lot of extra daily diamonds for additional pets/rune cycles with this method. Please keep in mind however parchment is still used late game for a few important things.
Rolling the skill option on sss charms costs parchment per roll (starts at 10 then caps at 100 parchment per roll)
Crafting Ancient tomes from threads (3k parchment per skill book )
Upgrading any skills you still need (5k parchment per skill upgrade)
We hope that this Immortal Rising Beginners guide and faq will help you to progress faster.
Made by Snaifu (꧁sͥɴᴀғᴇͣᴡͫ꧂#9541) and Storing (Qartix#4396) from Clockwork Discord.
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