Dimension 8 Boss Light Lord is one of the toughest bosses in Soda dungeon 2.
He can use variety of skills and moreover he can heal himself, that makes his fight extremely hard and unpredictable.
This guide will help you to counter all of his special skills and defeat him as soon as possible.
You will have to overdps his heals or crowd control him to prevent healing. Using the poison and burn effects will help too.
Moreover it is strongly recommended to get heroes you will use to lvl 25 for this fight, so they will unlock their second skill.
Before we move on, you might want to check the Soda Dungeon 2 Beginners Boss Guide, so you can make sure that you know all the basics.
Now lets discuss tactics and gear for each of those teams.
Table of Contents
Damage team for Dimension 8 Boss
The idea of the Damage team is to overdps boss healing. You want to max out your carpenters, make sure that you have their quest done to increase “Nail It multiplier” to x4.
Separating nurses on different sides is important as well, as it will help them not to avoid some AoE damage from the boss.
If you are sure about your mana pool you can replace your Mystic with additional Nurse or Carpenter for extra healing or damage.
Mystic | Nurse |
Nurse | Carpener |
Carpenter | Carpenter |
For the gear, it is strongly recommended to go for as high Damage Reduction and Evasion as possible, so full set of Vampire Suits, Silver Amulets and Skull Swords should help a lot with survivability.
Although you might want to change the gear layout a little bit based on what you obtained so far.

The fight tactics is pretty simple:
Nurses should focus on keeping everyone at the full health
Mystic will take care of Mana for the team and use normal attack to try to poison the boss
Carpenters go for full DPS with Nailed It skill.
If this team doesnt work for you you can try Crowd Control team or do some more farming runs to get stronger.
Crowd Control team for Dimension 8 Boss
Crowd Control team for the Light lord is a little bit unique and different.
Here we will try to Stone the boss, so he wont be able to heal or use any other skills.
After he is stoned we will focus on poison and burn damage, prioritizing poison.
The team we will use will consist of DarkMages only to utilize the chances of applying CC debuffs and DoT effects.
DarkMage | DarkMage |
DarkMage | DarkMage |
DarkMage | DarkMage |
As for the gear we will use heavy focus on Evasion, since we dont have a healer. So equip everyone with Vampire Suits, Socketed shields with evasion gems, and distribute some Rapiers and Skull Blades along the team, so some of your DarkMages could apply burn effect.
As for the Accessories, the best option is still silver necklaces.

Fight is heavily RNG based.
First you will open up with Stone skill. As soon as it is triggered start applying Poison using Noxin skill or Burn using the Skull Blade skill.
When there will be a turn of a character who applied Stone effect do your best to refresh it, so boss will stay crowd controlled.
Rince and repeat and hope that RNG is on your side.
This method is less gear dependent, so should help players who havent farmed that much.
Video Guide for Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 8 Boss Light Lord
This Video Guide will show you how you can defeat Dimension 8 Boss and should clear things up a little bit more.
If you still experience issues with defeating Dimension 8 Boss in Soda Dungeon 2 after reading this guide and trying all the tips, then you most likely need to do few more farm runs to get more essence and gear to get stronger. Try again after that.
Next up is Dimesion 9 Boss Guide: Dark Lord.
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- Guides, Soda Dungeon 2
- June 17, 2020