Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 6 Boss – Dark Lady is the first serious threat your team will face, this guide will help you to overcome that.
If you have issues with the bosses before this one, make sure to read Soda Dungeon 2 Boss Guide and Beginners Guide, they should help you with the basics.
Main problem in Dark Lady fight is that when the fight starts – she turns everyone with their back and does quite powerful AoE Attack, that most likely will oneshot one side of your team.
But there is a way to exploit that mechanics in order to get an easy win over Dimension 6 Boss.
Table of Contents
Team Composition for Dimension 6 Boss
It is essential to use powerful, high hp and damage reduction tank on the left side and a nurse on the right side of the team. You can add 2 Carpenters on the right side for additional damage too.
Overall your left side can consist of any classes, just make sure to pick the ones, that have highest level, since they will most likely have more HP.
Here is basic team layout for Dimension 6 Boss Fight in Soda Dungeon 2:
Tank | Carpenter |
Tank | Nurse |
Tank | Carpenter |
Tanks can be different, you can use Evasion gear on some, to have a chance of evading the attack, but getting +hp and % dmg reduction gear will guarantee you survival. It is strongly recommended for tanks to have at least 200 HP
Gear for Dimension 6 Boss
Specifically for this fight you might want to craft at least one Back Protector and equip your highest HP tank on the left with it. It will guarantee that he wont get back damage and will get some extra HP.
Another option is equipping Rapier and evasion gems, for lower chance of being hit. Silver necklaces will help with the Damage reduction too.
As for the right side, equip your Carpenters for maximum damage. Doesn’t matter what you will use on the Nurse, since she will only be healing.

Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 6 Boss Fight tactics and strategy
Your main goal is to keep at least one party member on the left side of the screen alive. Make sure that you use defend on each turn with your tank, that will allow you to cut your incoming damage in half.
Since Dark Lady starts this fight at least one of your tanks on the left must survive the initial attack. After that, everything should go smoothly, because you will be using Defense skill and wont take those crazy amounts of damage.
Use Nurse to heal your main tank with First Aid. If someone else on the left side survived, just ignore them and heal the main tank. This will guarantee that the right side of your team wont get any damage.
Carpenters should use Nail It all the time during this fight and their damage should be sufficient to take Dark Lady down pretty fast.
This Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 6 Boss Guide focuses on the way to defeat Dark Lady as soon as possible. Of course there are other options, you might overlevel her and use normal team and outheal all the damage, or use other sophisticated tactics.
Next serious fight will be Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 8 Boss Fight
Write in the comments, if you used the same tactics that this guide provides or did something different.
If you need more guides on Soda Dungeon 2, check out out Soda Dungeon 2 Guide Collection and if you want your guide posted, contact me in the Discord
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- Guides, Soda Dungeon 2
- June 25, 2020