Soda Dungeon 2 Endgame teams are the teams that you will use in Warrior’s Dimension levels (usually 20k+ and until the very infinite end). Having proper team, balanced, leveled relics and right scripts will help you to progress faster and have long runs that wont be interrupted by ambushes.
For more common tips on how to start Warrior’s Dimension check out Soda Dungeon 2 Warrior’s Dimension Guide
Most teams will consist of Thief, Dark Lord, Nurses and either Carpenters or Darkmages, since those are your main damage dealers.
Key settings are same for all the builds: 90% HP and 90% MP for fairies.
Table of Contents
Carpenters Endgame Warrior’s Dimension Team
Carpenters Warrior’s Dimension team will be one of the most beginner friendly in Soda Dungeon 2. It allows you to progress pretty deep into the dungeon, because damage scales really good. Also it will allow you to single-highhandedly focus on physical damage and mainly on Carpenters, so you wont waste that precious essence around.
You can start using this Team as soon as you will have enough mana to go from one fairy to another without going dry. Something like 500-600 mana will be a good starting point.
This team will be good enough up to floor 25k – 40k, after that you might want to switch for something more efficient.
Carpenters Endgame Team Composition
Carpenters Build have a strict requirement of 4 Carps for your team. That allows to kill all the enemies before they have a chance to retaliate. It is pretty tricky, since you wont have any healing available, but its good for early pushes while you are still getting all the class relics.
Thief | Carpenter |
Carpenter | Carpenter |
Carpenter | Dark Lord / Nurse |
Thief is ransacking, Carpenters are Nailing It and Dark Lord is there either to save your Carpenters from death defending, or helping them with an AOE Attack to push deeper into the dungeon.
Carpenters Endgame Team Gear
As for the gear you want to gear your guys for the most damage output as possible. That includes Socketed weapons, shields and Attack Gems. As always you can balance out your greediness (+gold and + essence find stuff) with survivability gear to your liking.
Thief can equip anything, she wont be fighting, just ransacking. If she is running out of mana consider equipping Space Gem for additional MP Regen.
Dark Lord will need a Back Protector, since he is a backbone of your survivability, you can fill other accessory slots with Essence Magnets or Silver Necklaces for additional Damage Reduction.
Carpenters Endgame Scripts
Scripts for Carpenters Endgame team are actually simpler than ever, just as most WD Scripts!
Thief Script
Enemy | Have Essence | Ransack | |
Enemy | Weakest | Defend |
As you can see Thief behavior is very standard and this script will be used for most of the Team Compositions.
Carpenter Script
Enemy | Isn’t Ore | Nailed It |
Carpenters are very simple to script and they will basically just attack anything other than ore. Your main damage source in this team.
Dark Lord Script
If you want your Dark Lord to help you attacking the enemies, thus lowering their health and allowing you to progress deeper you can use this script:
Enemy | Team Alive | > 2 | Strongest Group Attack |
Enemy | Weakest | Defend |
Dark Lord Script might be adjusted is your Dark Lord can do enough damage to one-shot Janitors (aka 12k damage).
If this is possible you might want to add Janitor Focusing lines in order to prevent him from attacking your team:
Enemy | Rank | > Norm | Defend |
Enemy | Rank | = Norm | Defend |
Enemy | Team Alive | = 1 | Strongest Group Attack |
Carpenter Endgame team strong and weak points
Full Carpenters team have several strong points. Main benefit of this team is that they scale really well and can progress very far. You will only have to level physical and class relics to progress deeper. And since there are only 3 classes in this team, it will be more Essence Efficient.
As for the weak points, this team is really susceptible to Ambushes. Lack of medic doesn’t allow you to heal between them and DL wont save you from double target attacks and burn/poison effects of the ambushes. Those will end your run often.
Moreover because of slow skill animation, floors per hour is very low, so don’t expect fast progress.
In order to overcome ambushes you will either need to have your HP relic very high or keep an eye on your device, so you will be able to restart the run if you are defeated.
Soda Dungeon 2 Carpenter Warriors Dimension Endgame team video guide
If you need more info and prefer visual video guide, you can watch this video on Soda Dungeon 2 Carpenter Warriors Dimension Team.
If you need more guides on Soda Dungeon 2, check out out Soda Dungeon 2 Guide Collection and if you want your guide posted, contact me in the Discord
- 1 Comment
- Guides, Soda Dungeon 2
- July 27, 2020
thank you for the detailed post on soda dungeon 2.. nice