Dimension 9 Boss in Soda Dungeon 2 may seem like a complex fight, but in reality you just have to do it right, with this guide, you will be able to defeat Dark Lord and his Barbecue without a problem.
Main problem in this fight will be high burn and AoE damage on your team and barbecue heals on the boss. Lets create a perfect team to counter that.
Table of Contents
Team composition for Dimension 9 Boss
In order to mitigate high incoming damage we will use 2 Nurses, will take one Mystic for the mana regen, since this fight may take a while and get 3 Carpenters to do damage to the boss.
If you lack healing you might want to switch one Carpenter for Nurse. In this fight it is important to stay alive and do sustained damage, so survivability is a top priority.
Overall the team will look like this:
Mystic | Nurse |
Nurse | Carpenter |
Carpenter | Carpenter / Nurse |
For the gear I recommend going for full Vampire Armor as always.
For weapons and shields you should aim for higher damage weapons for your Carpenters and equip Mystic with Infected Edge for a chance of poisoning the enemy.
As for the accessories you can go either with Silver Amulet for damage reduction or with a Copper Bracelet for resists.

Dimension 9 Boss Fight Tactics
The Fight itself is pretty tedious and slow. Your top priority is keeping everyone alive, and as close to max health as possible to avoid being oneshot.
With this under control you would like to focus target the Barbecue, since she can only heal the Dark Lord Boss, but not itself. Nail It seems to be the best option, because in my tries I havent managed to burn or poison it. (Edit: Guys on the Discord confirmed that Barbecue can be both poisoned and Burned, so its a viable option too)
Ignore the Boss for now, since all the damage you can do to him will be healed by his partner.
When Barbecue is down you can focus on the boss. If you got to this stage most likely the rest of the fight will be easy, since now you wont get Burn from the Barbecue.
Dark Lord Boss is susceptible to Burn and Poison damage, so you can use Poison Edge and Skull Swords. For the Carpenters though it would be more efficient to keep using Nail It, because of its damage consistency.
Video Guide for Soda Dungeon 2 Dimension 9 Boss: Dark Lord
This Video Guide will show you how you can defeat Dimension 9 Boss and should clear things up a little bit more.
If you still experience issues with defeating Dimension 9 Boss in Soda Dungeon 2 after reading this guide and trying all the tips, then you most likely need to do few more farm runs to get more essence and gear to get stronger.
To farm better you might want to adjust your scripts, Soda Dungeon 2 Scripts Guide will help with that.
When you get stronger and level up relic and gain better items you can try again.
Next up is Dimension 10 Final Boss Guide
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- Guides, Soda Dungeon 2
- June 17, 2020