Table of Contents
How to get Heroes
Heroes are basically obtained through recruitments. A distinction is made between basic, advanced, limited and friendly recruitments. Elite heroes can be obtained from all recruitments. All recruitments (except friendly) give a data chip per recruitment, which can be used in the respective shop for further rewards.
Basic recruitments can be done through purple tickets or diamonds.
Advanced recruitments are done through yellow tickets. A wish list for heroes with an increased probability can be specified here.
Limited recruitment gives the opportunity to get the three indicated elite heroes. Focus is on the specified SSS hero. Friendly Recruitment is done through points that you can send to people in your friends list on a daily basis. Therefore, one should not neglect the friends list.
Besides recruitment, heroes can also be obtained through events. This varies per event. For more on events, see VI: Server Events.
Special features of SSS Heroes
SSS heroes can only be obtained through limited recruitment or events. The exception is that Aniruddha can also be obtained through Advanced recruitment and Rez through the Galactic Arena shop.
SSS heroes are difficult to reach or evolve for free 2 play players.
If you are f2p, you should limit yourself to one hero, which you improve as much as possible. For this, limited tickets and gene hybrids should be collected.
Which heroes are the best and how do I build my team?
All Elite heroes that are not also available as rare heroes are basically playable. Everyone should choose the heroes they like the most. Nevertheless, a list of the heroes according to their strength can be found under Tierlist.
SSS heroes generally stand out from other heroes.
The team should be built to work best for each game mode. For each game mode and specific recommendations. In principle, however, it is not wrong to form your team with a tank, an assassin or a second tank, a support or healer and two ranged heroes (single target or AOE). To make evolving easier, no more than two heroes of the same faction should be used.
Elite Heroes can evolve through Epic, Mythic, and Legendary to Immortal. Some evolving requires copies of the same hero (unevolved) or any hero (Elite or Epic). A detailed overview can be found under IX: Evolution Process Graphic. It should be noted that for evolutions for which any hero can be used, only heroes that also exist as rare heroes should be used, since these cannot be developed further than Epic, have a maximum level of 119 and are therefore quite useless. These heroes should not be evolved further than Epic – without a glowing crystal (!!!).
Common heroes cannot be developed at all. These heroes’ auto-sell function can be safely activated under Evolve and Dismiss.
A hero’s level and equipped armor can be reset at any time. It returns all resources used. Talents can also be reset separately. Only the level of the exclusive weapon and the evolution process cannot be reset.
Eternal Evolution Hero Equipment Guide
Equipment is mainly available in the Deesa Caves. Epic and higher gear sets have a set bonus that activates when two or four gears of the same type are equipped. The set bonuses stack, i.e. three ATK sets can be used and you get 45% more ATK. The experience you invest in leveling equipment can be transferred 1:1 to other equipment. So you don’t lose any experience when recycling. The equipment has main stats and secondary stats. In the beginning, you should focus primarily on main stats. The rarer the gear, the higher the main and secondary stats. Upgrading randomly raises certain secondary stats (from +1 to +3) as well as main stats. Set bonuses are not increased.
From Mythic (red) gear upwards, set bonuses are of lower priority. The main stats are so high at these levels that you should primarily make sure that they are suitable. In general, % values (ATK, LP, Crit) make the most sense. EX values are not recommended.
If it is unclear what a certain value does, you can click on the info symbol on the right of any hero and then on “Attribute info” on the left. There you will find explanations of the individual values.
Which equipment for which hero
Basically, ATK sets should be used for damage dealers and LP sets or main and secondary stats should be used for tanks and healers. But it’s not that simple.
Basically, you should know what stats a hero’s skills are based on. This is found in the description of the respective skills. Most skills scale to ATK. Then it makes sense to use ATK sets for damage dealers. However, some heroes scale to DEF, for example. Then DEF sets and values should be used accordingly.
Some heroes benefit from high crit rates (e.g. Taylor, Bailey Hudson) and some from high accuracy (e.g. debuff supporters like Rez or even stunned damage dealers like Sorietta). Regarding accuracy, it should be mentioned that this refers to the probability that a debuff can affect the enemy. If the enemy’s Resistance (RES) is lower than the Accuracy (ACC) of the user, it casts Debuff. Otherwise it doesn’t work.
If you carefully read the abilities and talents of the heroes and if you think about their usefulness in combat (e.g. damage dealer or tank?), it should be obvious which sets and stats make the most sense for the respective hero.
Resources and Items
Gene Hybrid: used to develop any Elite Hero (including SSS)
Recruitment Cards: used to recruit Heroes
Datachips: can be exchanged for heroes and resources in the Exchange shop
Runes: used to upgrade Exclusive Items (unlocked, when a hero reaches Mythic + 1 Crystal)
“Hr Packs”: give the displayed resources equal to the amount you would have received from passive income in the specified time
Arena Tickets: are used for Arena entries
Medal of Honor: used for upgrades from Commanders are used
Metallize: are used for equipment upgrades
i. Selectable Recruitment Card: are used to recruit selectable heroes
Shards: 60 pieces can be used to recruit heroes
We hope that this Eternal Evolution Heroes Guide will help you to get better understanding of the game and make the right decisions. Keep in mind that this article is Work in Progress and will be updated as the new info will appear.
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- Eternal Evolution
- November 18, 2022