Table of Contents
Game modes
This mode is about fighting individual teams one after the other. There are rewards for every few levels (from time to time also elite heroes). The further you get on the front lines, the more passive rewards you get.
Chapter 25 unlocks legendary gear for purchase (best gear).
Soul Ruby Mine
Similar to the Frontlines, you fight teams in order and there are rewards after each level. As soon as you have reached level 150, you get the opportunity to play three separate “extra mines”. Only heroes of one faction can be used in these and a maximum of 10 levels can be played per day. If you want to get as far as possible here, five heroes from each faction must be leveled. At the beginning, however, this should not be given much importance.
There are two arenas – the Regular Arena and the Galactic Arena.
In the Regular Arena you fight against teams of other players on the same server. After each battle there are rewards. Depending on placement, there are daily and seasonal rewards in the form of a not inconsiderable amount of diamonds and runes.
In the Galactic Arena you fight a “best of 3” against three teams of one player (from different EU/SEA servers). Two of the fights must be won in order to win the duel. Depending on the placement, you get better seasonal rewards and a higher passive income in Galactic Arena currency, which can be exchanged in the associated shop. An SSS Hero is also available here.
The further you advance in the Frontlines, the more Rifts will be unlocked. Rifts are a kind of puzzle level in which you can collect the rewards in the level by thinking a little. In between, opponents have to be fought. Heroes’ HP is not restored after a battle. If you fail to complete the Rift, you can restart it.
Deesa caves
Here you have to fight a boss. At 90, 50, and 10% LP, he gains a shield that must be destroyed by a large number of hits in a short period of time. If you don’t do that, you lose. It is recommended to use a tank and at least two single target heroes as well as the commander “Brynhild”. Taylor is particularly suitable for f2p players.
Tara Dome
Here, too, a boss is fought. This one has a blue shield around it and can only take damage if you attack from inside the shield. So melee heroes and the commander “Gautier” should be used. Alternatively, Taylor can also use his ability to manually teleport into the shield, making it very suitable for f2p players here as well.
Cinsaro Swamp
This boss keeps spawning small spiders in the arena, which cause enormous damage if you don’t kill them in time. Here it is recommended to use AOE heroes and the commander “Rota”. Murphyro, Poluno, and Omar are great to start with.
Log In Events
At the beginning of the game a 7-day registration event, a 30-day registration event and a “Bosmina” event start. The heroes Sorietta and Oisa can be obtained in the 7-day login event. Sorietta is already a very good hero to start with. This can be developed and used well into the late game. Oisa isn’t bad as a starting tank, but is outclassed by Oak, Hercules, and Bohr. These three heroes can be obtained twice in the Bosmina event. Here it is advisable to take Hercules or Oak, with all three heroes being about equally useful. In the 30 day registration event you get a total of 2 Serena. She is the best healer in the game. However, since it is difficult to reach f2p, Liran can also be used. However, if you have the opportunity to level Serena, you should definitely do so.
It’s a good idea to save any limited tickets you get until week 3. Here you can get one of the best SSS heroes with Bailey Hudson and get double Data Chips for every recruitment. With 80 Data Chips, a Gene Hybrid can be bought every week. This is very important for leveling SSS heroes. Here it makes sense to try to evolve Bailey Hudson to Immortal.
If you invest the limited tickets here, you also have a good chance of getting some copies of Taylor and Oak. So if you don’t want to take Hercules at the Bosmina event, you’re almost in better hands with Oak.
Advanced tickets should be saved until week 2 or 4 and used here in conjunction with the recruitment event for further rewards. The tank you use (Oak or Hercules), Taylor and Sorietta should definitely be on the advanced recruitment wish list. Omar, Randall, Poluno or Rakkana are also good to put on the list.
Hero team
The team should initially consist of a tank (Oak or Hercules), Taylor, a healer (Serena or Liran) and either one or two AOE heroes (Omar or Poluno) or Assassins (Bailey Hudson, Rakkana, Randall) or Sorietta. Of course you can deviate from this. However, since Taylor is extremely good for bosses, the focus should be on getting him on Immortal as soon as possible.
From week three you can already have a very strong Oak (unless you have chosen Hercules), Bailey Hudson and Taylor. These three (or four) heroes are still very good into the late game.
Spending Diamonds
The most useful ways to spend diamonds are:
– Stamina refills for Bosses
– Buying Runes from the Goods and Wasteland shops
– Buying Soul Potions from the Wasteland shop
– Buying Elite Hero Shards
– Basic Recruitments (2700 Diamonds)
Eternal Evolution Base Guide
Individual elements of the base can be unlocked at the front.
Heroes can be recruited here.
Heroes can be placed here, inheriting the level of the fifth weakest hero in the team. So never more than five heroes have to be leveled. Equipment and talents are not carried over. The heroes can be exchanged at will.
Another chat is available in a guild, as well as a daily guild hunt with additional rewards.
In the outpost “mini-missions” can be carried out, for which heroes can be dispatched. The missions run automatically and the heroes can also be used for other purposes during the missions.
Divine Prototype
Up to three Divine Prototypes can be equipped, which have specific effects in battle. They can be evolved and leveled. The level can be reset. Permanent attribute bonuses can be unlocked for all heroes for collecting various prototypes. Here everyone has to decide for themselves which prototypes are best for their team.
Command post
A commander can be equipped, which has certain effects in battle. In addition to general bonuses of LP, DEF and ATK, commanders also give random special bonuses for certain heroes and other random values. Everyone has to decide for themselves which one is best for their team. More on this under III: Game modes.
Here you can find different things to buy with ingame currency. It is recommended to buy runes, soul potions, elite hero shards and items for gold.
We hope that this Eternal Evolution Beginners Guide will help you to get better understanding of the game and make the right decisions. Keep in mind that this article is Work in Progress and will be updated as the new info will appear.
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- Eternal Evolution
- November 18, 2022