DunIdle Beginners Guide

It is very important to get the proper start in DunIdle on your first few days, this Beginners Guide will help you to make the right decisions and avoid common mistakes.

Dunidle First Days Guide (First 100 levels)

After you finish the basic tutorial there are 2 ways how you can play it: hard or smart. Hard includes a lot of grinding, smart will allow you skip some boring parts of the game.

There is a good list of thing for new players to at the start of their Dunidle adventure that will skyrocket their progress:

  • at the beginning, do tutorials til you gain access to the party upgrades
  • claim your 20k gold daily reward
  • use those 20k gold on leveling up gold factory and meditation evenly
  • idle a little til your gold factory has enough gold to buy the hero you want to use(preferably barbarian but its really up to you)
  • once you bought the hero, claim your meditation xp and upgrade your hero
  • this is the juicy part! Redeem the code WELCOME and use that 200 gem and buy gold pack (the 200 gem one)
  • with 840k gold, you can buy tier 10 weapon and a full set of tier 10 armor.
  • now you can rush to level 100 boss(trol)

Thanks to Timoxeline from official Discord for that list.

Now you can easily get to floor 100 in universe 2 and then the real game starts!

Full list of Dunidle Resources



• Defeating monsters and bosses.
• Ad Chest (Free Chest & Buffs).
• Gold Factory.
• Premium Shop.
• Daily Reward (Must be claimed).


• Hiring Heroes.
• Purchasing Equipment.
• Unlocking Heroes.
• Party Upgrades.



• Ad Chest (Free Chest & Buffs).
• Premium Shop.
• Gem Factory.
• Daily Reward (Must be claimed).
• Giveaways


• Purchase cosmetic hero skins.
• Hell Rift keys.
• Unlocking equipment rune slots.
• Premium Shop Packs.



• Defeating enemies on floors 10,20,30 etc.


• Upgrading weapon and armour levels.

Hell Rift Keys


• Ad chest (Reward scales with max floor reached).
• Premium Shop.


• Grants access to Hell Rift floors.

Legendary Artifacts


• Defeating bosses (floors 100, 200, etc.).


• Permanent bonuses across the game:
• Damage boost (All Heroes).
• Health (All Heroes).
• Armor (All Heroes).
• Gold Bonus.
• XP Multiplier (All Heroes).
• Gold Factory Bonus.
• Meditation Bonus.
• Ability Point Bonus (All Heroes).
• Transmutation Bonus (All Bosses).
• Boss Damage Reduction (All Bosses).
• Boss Health Reduction (All Bosses).



• Obtained from Hell Rift (Guaranteed on first clear of each floor, RNG after that).


• Equipped into legendary equipment to give them unique powers and/or enhancements.

List of all Dunidle Heroes and their roles



• Tank.
• Reflects some damage.
• High durability.



• Good DPS.
• High evasion.
• Chance to attack twice.



• Low DPS.
• Best healer (heals self and all party members).



• Good DPS at a distance.



• Inflicts burn DPS over time.



• Great DPS.
• Life-steal (self-healing).
• DPS increases over time.
• High survivability.



• Summon up to two titans, acting as both tanks and extra DPS sources.



• Buffs party members.
• Debuffs enemies.



• Leaves marks that increases the parties DPS on the enemy.
• Increases own defense.
• Heals party based on lowest health.



• Gives party damage reduction.
• Reflect some damage.
• Increases max health.



• Very fast at clearing floors.
• High DPS.
• Essential for fast runs.



• Great single-target DPS (Good for clearing bosses).



• Freezes a fallen party member’s HP on death (temporarily continue to fight alongside you even at 0HP).
• Buffs party DPS based on missing health.

All the Runes and their effects in Dunidle

Ultimatum Strike


Core Effect:
• Each time damage is dealt, grants an Ultimatum Strike’s stack.
• At 7 stacks, consume all stacks to deal bonus damage.

Secondary A: Multi-stack
• A hero has 30% chance to stack twice.

Secondary B: Heal
• Consuming all stacks also heals a hero for 15% of their maximum health.

Stack damage:
• Base value (scales with rune level) + 13.2% of hero’s attack damage. .

Slayer Assault


Core Effect:
• Deal an additional attack each time damage is dealt.

Secondary A: Attack buff
• Grant 10.0% attack damage bonus after any succeeding evasions that last for 2 attacks.

Secondary B: Heal
• Heal a hero for 10.0% of their maximum health after dodging 4 times.

Additional attack damage:
• Base value (scales with rune level) + (1.00% per 1.0% of evasion rate) of the original damage source. .

Heart of The Tempest


Core Effect:
• Each time damage is dealt, there is a 40% chance to strike the target with lightning.

Secondary A: Multi-hit
• The lightning also strikes 2 other targets with 30% of the first lightning strike’s damage.

Secondary B: Stun
• The lightning has a 25% chance to stun the target.

Lightning damage:
• Basic damage (scales with rune level) + scaled % of the original damage source. .



Core Effect:
• Release a shockwave that deals damage to all nearby enemies after receiving damage 3 times.

Secondary A: Stun
• The shockwave has a 30% chance to stun the targets.

Secondary B: Armor buff
• Releasing the shockwave also grants an armor bonus of 15% that lasts for 2 turns.

Shockwave damage:
• Basic damage (scales with rune level) + scaled % of hero’s attack damage + scaled % of hero’s maximum health. .

Frost Armor


Core Effect:
• Deal damage to an attacker and inflict them with frost.
• Frost causes the enemy to receive more damage from critical attacks.

Secondary A: Heal
• A hero has a 20% chance to heal for 10% of their maximum health after receiving damage.

Secondary B: Stun
• After inflicting the target for 4 turns, the target will be stunned for 1 turn.

Frost damage:
• Basic damage (scales with rune level) + scaled % of hero’s maximum health.

Received critical damage bonus:
• Scaled % + 2.5% per 1,000 of max armor. .



Core Effect:
• Increase the healing effect of all healing abilities.

Secondary A: Attack buff
• Grant an attack damage bonus of 50% that lasts for 2 turns.

Secondary B: Armor buff
• Grant an armor bonus of 50% that lasts for 2 turns.

Heal bonus:
• Basic heal bonus (scales with rune level) + scaled % of the original healing source.



Core Effect:
• Each normal attack has a 20% chance to steal gold from enemies.
(Muliplied by gold bonus).

Secondary A: Shard steal
• Every 4th steal, also steal 1-10 shards (multiplied by shard bonus)

Secondary B: Gem steal
• After any succeeding stealing, a hero has a 2.5% chance to steal 1 gem.

Gold amount:
• Gold amount stolen: scales with rune level.


Dunidle Beginners guide is a good way to start your game and alter your strategy if you are straving for effectiveness. Following advises on this guide you will be able to progress the game faster and avoid walls and common mistakes new players make.

A lot of information for this guide came from Official Dunidle Discord

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